




1.猎犬 Hound D - "大猎犬"导弹 Hunting Dogs 猎犬星座 hunting dogs 猎犬 ...


1.In recent years, aerial hunting, hunting dogs and GPS technology have been used to effectively control goat populations.最近几年,人们通过空中狩猎、猎狗和GPS技术的应用有效控制了山羊的数量。

2.call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs.在停止打猎或者退休以前叫喊,属于猎狗。

3.If you want to be a businessman, You should follow the same training as hunting dogs trained your business sense.如果你有心做一个商人,你就应该像训练猎犬一样训练自己的商业感觉。

4.I have more than 32 years experience working pastoral and hunting dogs, but I know nothing about working with a dog for personal protection.我自己也有32年与猎犬打交道的经验,但是我对私人护卫犬毫不了解。

5.The basset, in the manner of hunting dogs, dashed across the field, nose to the ground.短腿猎犬,以猎犬独有的样子,在田野里疾跑,鼻子着地。

6.There is no known health risk to hunters or hunting dogs from contact with low pathogenic forms of avian influenza virus.目前对于与低致病性禽流感病毒接触猎杀者和猎犬是否有健康危险这一问题还不清楚。

7.After all, pointers are full of energy and go-power, tireless as hard-driving hunting dogs.毕竟,指示犬是一种充满活力和动力的犬种,就像野心勃勃的猎犬一样不知疲倦。

8.CHICAGO (AFP) - A pack of hunting dogs shot an Iowa man as he went to retrieve a fallen pheasant, authorities said.当局说,当爱荷华州的一男子去取回落下的一只雉鸡时,一群猎犬开枪打他。

9.African hunting dogs are endangered. They are faced with shrinking room to roam in their African home.非洲猎狗属濒危物种,它们不得不面对正在变小的生存圈,到处流浪。

10.The hunting dogs plunged into the forest in pursuit of game.猎狗冲入森林追逐猎物。