




1.我是王 随风而逝 Gone With the Wind 我是王 I Am the King 两个月亮 Two Moons ...

2.我是国王 ... 3. I am invincible,I am the king 我是无敌的,我是国王 4. I will be loving you . Forever. 我是永远的无敌。 ...

3.我就是王 6,你太狠了! You are too cruel. 7,我就是王I am the king. 4,太天真了 So innocent! / So naiv…

4.就听我的搞得定 )感觉爽得 像万众期待要听我的(飞扬的心)就听我的I am the king)看我怎样 占领这舞台要听我的(I am star ) …

5.我就是皇帝(Peer is the king);入到大学,「我就是皇帝」(I am the king)。


1.The chief priests of the Jews therefore said to Pilate, Do not write, The King of the Jews, but that He said, I am the King of the Jews.犹太人的祭司长就对彼拉多说,不要写犹太人的王;要写这个人自己说,我是犹太人的王。

2."Hello. My name is Jenny and I am the king's Engpsh teacher. " I said.“你好。我是陛下的英文老师,我叫珍妮。”我说。

3.OK. I'm Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers' world.你好,我是荆轲,你肯定如雷贯耳了吧,我要让你知道我才是天下第一杀手。

4.In Jesus' adult years, Jesus claimed to be this King, the Jewish Messiah (see: I am the King and Jewish Messiah).耶稣成年后,宣告自己是王、就是犹太人的弥赛亚(请看:我是王,犹太人的弥赛亚)。

5.Neither you nor I am the king, but story readers from afar, how could we decide which is the magical key to Scheherazade's success?你我非王,只是遥远之处的读者,怎么比较山鲁佐德的嘴唇和腰,哪个才是决定性的法宝?

6.Holding a scepter, supreme. Only the world pke laughter. I am the King!手握权杖,至高无上。唯世般的大笑。我是王!

7.It is him. "Sure enough the great pon saw another pon as fierce as himself. And so he roared" I am the King here and will eat you.狮子果然看到一个与自己同样威风的狮子,怒吼道:“我是大王,我要吃了你!”

8.In your face, brother! I am the king of the basketball court today.给你好看,小子!我是今天的球场之王。

9.I am the King of the court!我才是球场上的领袖!!

10.I have four strong legs and long hair. I have sharp teeth and claws. I am the king of animals. What am I ?我有强壮的四肢和长长的毛,我有利牙和利爪子。我是动物世界的国王,我是什么