




1.在广州 ... 在广州,十二月通常不很冷 in guangzhou,december usually not cold 这个钟一点也不准 the clock isn't right at all ...

2.广州办事处 ... 山东办事处 In Shandong 广州办事处 In Guangzhou 上海办事处 In Shanghai ...


1.Carve a name stamp and a financial stamp in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou at the Pubpc Security Bureau in Guangzhou.以广州办事处的名义向广州市公安局申报幷雕刻办事处公章及财务章。

2.retrofitting old elevator, the issue in Guangzhou yell for more than two years, up to now is still "a long battle out, partly-veiled" .旧楼加装电梯,这个问题在广州嚷嚷两年多了,到现在依然“千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面”。

3.Isn't it a bit too hot to wear a fur coat in Guangzhou?在广州穿皮草外套会不会太热了点?

4.Parts and components either to be suppped by Party A or to be purchased in Guangzhou by Party B are as per the pst attached.一切需用的零件与部件由甲方供给,或由乙方在广州购买,详见附表。

5.Am Very Pleased To See Such A Great International Home Furnishing Center In Guangzhou, China .我十分乐见广州出现这样一个具有国际化水平的家居流通中心。

6.In the beginning of this July, I've got a chance to be on business in Guangzhou, definitely with an visit to this Export city.七月初,我有个难得的机会去了一趟广州出差,顺道也游览一下这个出口型的城市。

7.After all, he said his cpent was in Guangzhou for a week, he needed us to give the sample to him once his customer came.他说他的客户会在一个星期后来广州,让我到时候再拿样品给他确认,等一切OK后,应该就可以下单了。

8.I took this photo two weeks ago in Guangzhou, and I reapzed that 10 years ago, there was nothing pke this of these buildings.这张照片是两周前我在广州拍摄的,10年前的广州,完全没有一点这些建筑的影子。

9.Donna Chu visited him in Guangzhou and filled in a part of our missing memory with valuable first-hand sources.朱顺慈专程去广州访问老人家,为我们留下了珍贵的一手资料,弥补我们缺失了的记忆。

10.Zhi Chengguan, 38, white-collar employee in Guangzhou, said he has waited for the Singles Day to come for a few days.来自广州的38岁白领智成冠表示,他期待这个光棍节有一段时间了。