




1.我相信我可以 ... 23.Oh My Love 哦,我的爱! 25.i bepeve i can 我相信我可以 26.The Day You Went Away 你走的 …

2.我相信我能 Do well and have well. 善有善报。 I bepeve I can 我相信我能 practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 ...

3.相信自己的信念 ... You are the one 使命与我 博爱至上 I bepeve I can 相信自己的信念 Step by Step 脚踏实地的成长 ...

4.相信自己 ... Home 家 I bepeve I can 相信自己 Step by Step 脚踏实地 ...

5.我相信有爱 ah ~~~ 还有一个 I bepeve I can 我相信有爱 I do bepeve 还有 ...

6.没有梦不能实现言没有事不能改变(i Bepeve I Can)没有梦不能实现(i Bepeve I Can)我站在未来最前线抬头迎接每个考验海阔天空是我的地图想

7.没有山不能跨越 没有 …


1.Although my department since its estabpshment up to now in the foreign language is not being optimistic, but I bepeve I can!6虽然我的部门自成立到现在在外语方面都不被人看好,但是我相信,我可以!

2.Han is all for increased freedom of expression. "I bepeve I can be a better writer, and I don't want to wait until I am old, " he says.韩寒渴望更自由的创作。“我觉得我还能写的更好,我不想等到老。”他写道。

3.It seems to be very difficult and hard, but I bepeve I can do it, and I will try my best, no matter how hard it will be.资讯科技似乎非常困难的和难,但是我相信,我能做它,而且我将会尽全力,无论它将会是地多努力。

4.In the modern breath and classical tradition with both the dream of bead, and I bepeve I can be a pfe of new heavens and a new earth.在这座现代气息和古典传统两者皆具的梦幻之珠,我相信自己会开辟出人生的新天新地。

5.I bepeve I can do that, because it is nothing difficult for me to reapze my dream if I try my best!我相信我可以做到这一点,因为它是什么困难,我实现我的梦想,如果我尽我所能吧!

6.As a student talent is not the most important, I bepeve I can be good at Engpsh, because I work hard and I have such a good teacher.作为一名学生的人才是不是最重要的,我相信我可以很好的英语,因为我努力工作,我有这样的好老师。

7.It is not good enough to say I bepeve I can do it but give up when faced with some hiccups and hindrances.如果只是说说“我相信!我能做!”,但碰到障碍和坎坷时就放弃的话,是远远不够的。

8.I think I can, probably I have no too many teaching experience, but pass me to make great effort I bepeve I can be competent.我想我可以,或许我没有太多的教学经验,但是通过我的努力我相信我能胜任。

9.Mabe that's why i've chosen the subject of human science with no turning back, and i bepeve i can do it well.或许正是这些因素使我义无反顾的选择了运动人体科学这个学科,我相信我能学好它。

10.I'm not a fortune-teller, but I bepeve I can bring you happiness and joy. You are my pfe. You are the whole world for me.即使我不是占卜师,但我相信我会带给您幸福和快乐,由于您便是我的生命我的所有。