




1.王医生自己在中国是医学专业毕业的,美国人就尊敬地称他们“王医生”(Doctor Wang)、“李医生”(Doctor Li)。

2.王博士 ... Graf Schmidt( 称号,浑名) 施密特伯爵 Doctor Wang( 职称,头衔) 王博士 Uncel Liu( 亲戚的称呼) 刘叔叔 ...

3.王铭善医生 东方餐饮集团 eastern 王铭善医生 Doctor Wang 王医生 doctor wang ...

4.王义昇中国人称呼别人时时常把对方的行政职务一同用上,如:王主任Doctor Wang)李科长(Section Li)张经理等等,在英语 …


1.Doctor Wang was just about to leave when the telephone rang, which said the patient was on the way to hospital by ambulance.王医生刚要下班,电话铃响了,说有一个车祸病人将用救护车送到医院来。

2.Doctor Wang hopes future research will discover biomarkers that are better able to predict the risk of cardiovascular disease.王博士希望未来的研究能发现心脏病生物标志物可以更好的预测出心血管疾病的风险。

3.Doctor Wang was praised by his colleagues for his superb skills.王大夫的高超医术博得同行的称赞。

4.Please make an appointment for me with doctor Wang.请给我和王医生约个时间。

5.Doctor Wang says they did identify some combinations of biomarkers that improved predictions of heart attacks and strokes.王医生说他们确实鉴定出一些可以提高预言心脏病和中风的几率的生物标志的组合。

6.Good morning. Doctor Wang I'm all right now. Thanks for your help.我的感觉很好。谢谢你帮助。

7."How was this ? " This doctor Wang sees the farce in the hall and cannot assist yet asking that youth doctor.“这是怎么了?”这王医生看到大厅里的闹剧,忍不住问了一下那年轻的医生。

8.Thinking on Ownership of Returning Land Usufruct: a Discussion with Doctor Wang Ru-yuan etc.对安置留地产权归属的一点看法——兼与王如渊博士等商榷。

9.Doctor Wang Xuejing advises that, when possible, people should stay indoors and close the windows during sandstorms.医师王学晶建议,市民在沙尘暴天气时应尽可能待在室内并关上门窗。

10.Doctor Wang says the best way to beat the addiction is to return to the real world and re-build connections with friends.王医生称,战胜微博成瘾最好的方法是回到现实世界,与朋友重新建立联系。