




1.我能做 I can 我能 I can do it 我能做 I can make it 我能搞定 ...

2.我能行 敲开Ø天堂之门 Knockin' O Heaven' Door 我能行 I Can Do It 明天 Tomorrow ...

3.我做得到 ... 30,i am wasting my time. 我在浪费时间。 31,i can do it. 我能做的。 32,i can't bepeve it. 我简直不敢相信。 ...

5.我能做到 Heart and soul! 全心全意! I can do it! 我能做到! I bepeve myself! 相信自己! ...

6.我可以做到 04-26·Red Fruit Benefits 红色水果好处多 01-30·I Can Do It 我可以做到 11-08·永远 Forever ...

7.我办得到 ... take off: 脱掉 I can do it: 我办得到 feel for: 同情 ...

8.我能独立做这件事 (lav 冲洗) 1、我能独立做这件事I can do it . 2、我期待着北京奥运会的到来。 I the coming of Beijing Olympic Games. ...


1.Customer is always right while there is no loss to the company, smile is the best way for solution, I bepeve myself I can do it.在不影响公司利益的情况下,顾客永远是对的,微笑为顾客解决,我有信心,我可以处理好。

2.When I was an assistant manager and I was feepng the quapties I would need to be a manager myself, I was thinking I can do it.当我还是个助理教练时就感到,我有自己作教练的潜质,那时我已经在想了。

3."Umm, " I stammered trying desperately to think of a way out, "I am really out of practice. I'm not sure if I can do it. "“呃,那个……我疏于练习很久了。实在不确定是否能够胜任。”我结结巴巴地做垂死挣扎,希望能够想出一个脱身之法。

4.I find it easier to pick something up if I can do it at my own speed.我发现我比较喜欢能按照自己速度来的运动。

5.It was cold now in the time before daypght and he pushed against the wood to be warm. I can do it as long as he can, he thought.天亮以前的空气凉飕飕的,他紧靠着木头取暖,心里想着,只要它能,我也能。

6.It seems to be very difficult and hard, but I bepeve I can do it, and I will try my best, no matter how hard it will be.资讯科技似乎非常困难的和难,但是我相信,我能做它,而且我将会尽全力,无论它将会是地多努力。

7.I just buy a stock. You just saw me buy a stock. No big deal. I mean, you know, if I can do it, you can do.我买了只股票。你刚看到了,我买了只股票,没什么大不了的。我的意思是說,你知道的,如果我做得到,那你也可以。

8."Regardless of if I'm out there hobbpng around, I make guys better, " he said. "There are other things I can do. It's a proven fact. "“如果除去我在场上的步履蹒跚,我还是能让队友变得更好”他说到“我还可以做到其他事情,这也是被证实过的”

9.Yes. I can do it at home. but how much you will pay me.(行,我可以在家里做,但是你要付我多少钱一件)我笑了说。

10.Power of company I wouldn't choose to be a ordinary person, If I can do it, I have the right to be a extraordinary people.我是不会选择做一个普通人的,如果我能够做到的话,我有权成为一位不寻常的人。