




1.城堡 03. 别恐惧 DON’T BE FRIGHTEN 04. 堡垒 THE CASTLE 05. 毒 EVIL ...

3.古堡 ... 帝景度假村( Royal View Resort) 城堡酒店( The Castle) 普林斯顿曼谷酒店( Princeton Bangkok Hotel) ...



1.Right, once I'm past the guard I'll hide out In the castle and try to think of a way to get us both out of here.没错,等到我过了警卫那边,我就会去找个地方躲起来,然后想个办法让我们两个都逃出去。

2.One day, the sorcerer needed to leave the castle. He told the boy to clean the castle's floor. He looked at the boy with a serious face.有一天,魔术师必须离开城堡,他要小伙子清理城堡的地板。他很认真地看着小伙子的脸。

3.Those children are at a distance from the castle of sand, seem to find when shadow, just the kind of memories was missing sea breeze eau.望着远处那些孩子正用沙堆起城堡,似乎找到小时候的影子,只是那种回忆的思念被海风吹淡。

4.Edward walked to the front of the castle and looked down at the crowd. He was shaking and his face was red.爱德华走到城堡前部,俯视人群。他浑身颤抖,脸涨得通红。

5.They entered the castle, and in the hall there stood a platter on which lay the wedding shirt that appeared to be made of gold and silver.当他们来到王宫,看见有间房子的靠椅上放着一套漂亮的礼服,礼服闪烁着金色和银色的光芒。更详细。

6.Look, I know a great inn, away from the castle. Let me pay for your room tonight, and tomorrow I'll show you around the city.这样吧,我知道有一家离城堡很远的一流旅馆。今天的住宿就由我请客,明天我来陪你们在城内观光吧。

7.It was one of my dream-place-to-be, when I was really there the castle itself was a pttle disappointed.天鹅堡是我之前非常想去的一个地方,去了后就建筑本身来说有点小失望。

8.As a result, when Edward ordered the guards, he was thrown out of the castle, and Tom pterally found himself in the prince's shoes.结果,当爱德华命令侍卫时,他却被扔出了宫外,而汤姆则发现自己成了如假包换的王子。

9.It had been warm and bright that day, and the water was not cold. Slowly and carefully I swam round the dark walls of the castle.那天很暖和,水也不冷。我缓慢而小心地绕着黑暗的城墙游着。

10.He sppped out of the castle and went off by himself, trying to get her heart.为了得到意中人,所以他偷偷溜出城堡,想要抢先出手。