




1.我去上学 I go to the theatre 我去看戏 I go to school 我去上学 I go to the school 我去学校 ...

2.我去学校 ... It's good. 那很好. I go to school. 我去学校. I am going to school. 我将要去学校. ...

3.我去上学校 ... Why you carry a small bag? 你为什么背上小书包? I go to school 我去上学校 everyday not late 天天不迟到 ...

4.我今天去上学 ... 1.我搭公车上学 I go to school ____ ____ 2.天下没有白吃的午餐 There is no ____ ____ in the world ...

6.去学校的 ... 15.I go to school _________ _________ ___________. (和朋友一起) II. 重点概览 ...


1.Whenever I go to school, she will always give me a journey, until I pretended to be angry, hit it two or three it quietly ran home.每当我去上学,她总是会送我一段路程,直到我假装生气打它两三下,它才乖乖地跑回家去。

2.I go to school with 3 boys, but they me, than I morning school a year.和我一起上学的还有3个男孩子,不过他们大我一岁,比我早上一年学。

3.D is for the daytime, when the sun is shining bright, that's the time I go to school, and learn to do things right.是赤裸裸的D代表白天,当太阳当空照耀明亮,那是我去上学,学做自己喜欢做的事情。

4.Few days later, I noticed whenever I go to school and come back from school, he is standing in his balcony, and smipng at me.几天后,我发现我每次上学放学的时候,他都会站在阳台上朝我微笑。

5.In the morning, I go to school, its legs seemed to shake more Huan, seem to compete with time.早上,我去上学,它的腿仿佛摇得更欢,好像在与时间竞争。

6.Lucy and I go to school five days a week.我和露茜每星期上五天学。

7.Lucy and I go to school six days a week.露西和我每周上六天学。

8.Tom and I go to school five days a week.我和汤姆一周上五天学。

9.Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me.天天早上,我去上学之前都会跟它说再见,它也人向我晃晃前爪。

10.No. I go to school five days a week, from Monday to Friday.不,一周上五天,从周一到周五上课。