




1.我发烧了 I have a cough. 我咳嗽 I have a fever. 我发烧了 I catch a flu. 我得流感了 ...

2.我有点发烧 ... I have a pain in my chest. 我的胸口痛。 I have a fever. 我有点发烧。 I have no appetite. 我没有胃口。 ...

3.我发高烧 ... I have the flu. 我患了流行性感冒。 I have a fever. 我发高烧。 Yes,this is Sue. 是的,是我。 ...

4.我在发烧. ... 我觉得想睡 I feel sleepy 我在发烧 I have a fever 我觉得很冷 I feel cold ...

5.因为我发烧了 ... 我需要喝点东西,因为我渴了。② I am thirsty. 我需要服药,因为我发烧了。② I have a f


1.could you feel my forehead and check to see if I have a fever?你能不能摸摸我的额头,看我是不是有点发烧?

2.Hi. What's the matter? --I'm sick. I have a fever.你好,怎么啦?我不舒服.我有点发烧。

3.Tim: My nose is constantly running. I have a fever and I vomited a few times. Do you think it is a cold?蒂姆:我老流鼻涕、发烧、还吐了好几次。您觉得我这是感冒吗?

4.I have a fever and I feel achy all over.我发烧了,感到浑身疼痛。

5.She said I have a fever but nothing major.她说我发烧,但无大碍。

6.I have a fever, aching muscles and a hacking cough.我发烧,肌肉酸痛还有常常咳嗽。

7.I think I have a fever today, and I have a running nose.今天有点发烧还流鼻涕。

8.I have a fever and I feel very weak.我发烧了,感到很虚弱。

9.I have a fever, chills , and a sore throat.我发烧,打寒颤,并且喉咙痛。

10.I have a fever and I have a headache.我发烧和头痛。