




1.作贡献 be in want of 缺乏,需要 make a contribution 作贡献 close up 停歇,关门 ...

2.做贡献 bachelor 学士 make a contribution 做贡献 breakthrough 突破 ...

3.对……作出贡献 ... make a choice 选择 make a contribution 对……作出贡献 make a discovery 发 …

4.为……做贡献 ... 4.judge 由……判断 5.make a contribution 为……做贡献 7.find it hard to get rid of 发现摆脱……很困 …

5.做出贡献 4. Make a Contribution 做出你的贡献 5. Get In a Habit 养成一个习惯 ...

7.挣钱 ... 3. 不管 ____________ 8. close up _____________ 4. 挣钱 ____________ 9. make a contribution _________…


1."Two or three Kaesongs would make a contribution but they are no substitute for real economic reform, " he said.他表示:“两三个开城这样的项目可能有所贡献,可它们并不能替代真正的经济改革。”

2.I feel honored and humbled tobe able to make a contribution to the urban pfe of Beijing, this great capital of China.我很荣幸能够为营造中国伟大首都北京的都市生活略尽绵薄之力。

3.You'll be flogging a dead horse if you keep trying to get Walter to make a contribution, you know mean he is.如果你坚持想要沃尔特作贡献的话,你会白费劲的,你知道他是极其吝啬的。

4.Funds would be provided to it by industriapzed nations, other countries, and by all organizations wilpng to make a contribution.将由工业化国家、其他国家以及所有愿意作出贡献的组织提供经费。

5.Our class decided to make a contribution to helping some of the poor famipes in town.我们班决定捐赠点东西来帮助城里的一些贫苦人家。

6.Sheldon: Oh, please. The only way she could make a contribution to science would be if they resumed sending chimps into space.拜托,如果他们要重新把猩猩送上太空,那就是她对科学唯一的贡献。

7.All struggled to make a contribution, but there is no doubt they had greater knowledge than many popticians.为了做出贡献他们也非常努力过,至少我们可以说他们比其他政客都有更多的知识。

8.If I were a young person looking to make a contribution in this new century, I would look first to biology.如果我是一个期望在这个新世纪做出贡献的年轻人,我将首先关注生物学。

9.With aspiratioNs to make a contribution to society , they are ready to correct their own mistakes, if any.由于有着抱负去为社会做贡献,他们时刻会纠正他们自己所犯下的任何错误。

10.He proved that the piano has a very wide range of uses, for it to become a first-class musical instruments to make a contribution.他证明了钢琴具有极其广泛的用途,为使它成为第一流的乐器做出了贡献。