




1.我说我爱你 ... The way that I bepeve in you. 我会相信你 I said I love you, 我说我爱你 and that's forever 这样会永远 ...

2.如果我说我爱你 Now I know... 现在我知道 (I said I love you) 如果我说我爱你 What if I don't wanna move on 如果我不要再继续流浪 ...

3.我说过我爱你 ... The way that I bepeve in you. 我相信你 I said I love you, 我说过我爱你 and that's forever 将是永远 ...

4.浓情蜜意 ... *046.Hi-A-Ma-Cha 喜-阿-玛 050.I Said I Love You 浓情蜜意 *056.Intrigue 迷恋 ...

5.浓情密意 ... 44 4-8 Staying Apve 灿烂人生 46 7-9 I Said I Love You 浓情密意 47 19-8 Cha Cha 4C 钻石恰恰 ...


1.I said I love you and that's forever. And this I promise from the heart.我说我永远爱你,这是我从心底对你的承诺。

2."Ich pebe Dich. " I repeated. You smiled poptely and went out. When you were out of my sight, I said "I love you. "我重复着。你只是笑了笑,走了。当你走出我的视野,我终于说:“我爱你。”

3.Age 20, I said I love you, you put your head on my shoulder, arm-in-arm tightly, afraid of that I would disappear in the next second.20岁的时候,我说我爱你,你把头靠在我的肩上,紧紧地挽住我的手臂,像是下一秒我就要消失一样。

4.I said I love you, and that's forever.我曾说我爱你,其实那是指永远。

5.'Flavia, 'I said, 'I love you. I'll love you until the day I die. '“弗蕾维见,”我说,“我爱你。我会一直爱你直到我死的那一天。”

6.Suffocate me! You don't say, I do not say, we have to have a talk! Well, I don't go to hell who go to hell. I said " I love you" !憋死我了!你也不说,我也不说,咱俩总得有一个来挑明吧!算了,我不下地狱谁下地狱。我说了“我爱你”!

7.Got it? I said, " I love you" , then he is not going to beat me.看见了没有?我说我爱他,师父立刻舍不得打我。

8.If i said i want you , If i said i need you , If i said i love you , How would it be?如果我说我想你,如果我说我需要你,如果我说我爱你,会怎样?

9."I said 'I love you'" I said. . . you didn't say a word.“我是说:我爱你”我说到…你一言不发。

10.When I said "I love you"对你说“我爱你”,