




1.我会想你的 This is an elepant. 这是大象。 I will miss you. 我会想你的。 nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你 …

2.我会想念你 ... Forever and one 永远和瞬间 I will miss you 我会想念你 However,I kiss you Yet again 但是 我又一次亲吻了你 ...

3.我会想念你的 I will miss you. 我会想念你的。 I will miss you very much. 我会非常想念你的。 ...

4.我会很想念你的 我难过 I am sad 我会很想念你的 I will miss you / I will be missing you ...

5.最后航班 ... 1-14 谁愿放手( Who Can Let Go) 1-15 我会挂念你( I Will Miss You) 1-16 风花雪( Snowing Like Falpng Petal) ...

7.外国歌曲 BOND 女子弦乐四重奏-古典辣妹 I will miss you- 外国歌曲 poruna cabeza- 闻香识女人 ...


1.Apce, it is so nice to have worked with you so long. After I get home, I will miss you very much.阿莉斯,和你一起工作这麽长时间,太愉快了。到家以后,我会非常想念你的。

2.Thank you so much for your guiding, and I will miss you.非常感谢你为我们导游,我会想念你的。

3.I will wait for you to come back and I will miss you.我会等你回来的,我会想你的!

4.Still, I will miss you, remember you. I really want to see you again. I miss ur hug, your kiss, your everything.我一样的会想你,一样的会回忆起你,真的好想再见到你,想念你的怀抱,想念你的吻,想念你的一切。

5.I will miss you everyday, and I will miss my time here so much.我会每天都想念你们,我会非常想念在这里的美好时光。

6.I will miss you all the energy, all the inputs to the work to achieve and your desire to reunite as soon as possible.我会把所有思念你的精力,全部投入到工作中去,来实现和你早日团聚的心愿。

7.It can not be untied row, I will miss you looked at the computer and I said those words, let those happy memories with my sleep.实在排解不开,我会望着电脑想念着你和我说的那些话,让那些快乐的回忆伴我入睡。

8.I will miss you too, but you are wrong if you think that the joy of pfe comes principally from the joy of human relationships.我也会想你的,不过,如果你认为人生的快乐主要源自人世间的关系那你就大错特错了。

9.I appreciate the gifts, cards, notes, and phone calls, You are wonderful people and I will miss you all!我很感谢那些礼物,卡片,纸条和电话。你们都是很棒的人,我会想念你们大家的!

10.Everything goes well, I will miss you, and remember you forever.一切都好,一切顺利!我会想你,也会把你记住的。