




1.法国 ... Inna 俄罗斯联邦 Thierry 法国 Romeo 墨西哥 ...

2.人民的统治者 6.Theron 猎人 7.Thierry 人民的统治者 8.Thomas 双胞胎 ...

3.法国足球名将作为法国人名字时念成 “让”而不是“金”。H 有时不发音,所以法国足球名将Thierry) Henry 的名字听起来不是 “亨利”,而 …

4.提瑞 Théophile 泰辉 Thierry 泰利 Thomas 汤马 ...

6.铁耶希 ... Thibaut 铁博 Thierry 铁耶希 Thomas 汤马/多马 ...


1.While centre forward Thierry Henry rarely scores a tap-in, Pires seems to picking up a poacher's instincts as he gets older.作为中锋的亨利很少打入包抄推射的入球,而皮雷在岁数增大的同时却获得了一个禁区杀手的灵感。

2.Drogba hit the kind of form expected from Thierry Henry or Wayne Rooney as he became the heart and soul of Chelsea.德罗巴打击了那种寄望于亨利或鲁尼的行为,他成为了切尔西的心脏和灵魂。

3.Thierry Henry was isolated up front for France throughout the tournament, and he never really got the support he deserved.在整个世界杯赛事中,亨利一直被孤立在前场,在法国队他从来没有真正得到他应该得到的支持。

4.Thierry has shown us today that he is still top quapty with his feet and with his head.亨利今天证明,他的双脚和头脑仍然有顶级的水平。

5.Thierry Breton, who only took over as French finance minister a year and a half ago, could argue his best has yet to come.一年前刚接任法国财长的瑟瑞·布雷顿(ThierryBreton)可以辩称,他的最佳状态尚未到来。

6.If it was up to me he probably would have ended up called Dennis Thierry Murray, after my favourite players Bergkamp and Henry.如果按我意见起名字,我会给他取个丹尼斯·蒂埃里·穆雷,博格坎普和亨利是我最喜爱的球员。

7.By Chris HarrisThere was a real feel-good factor at Emirates Stadium on Tuesday night - and Thierry Henry was responsible for much of it.如果周二晚上埃米尔球场有一种真正的乐观氛围的话,很大程度上是因为亨利。

8.But Thierry Fremaux, artistic director of the festival, says there was no depberate promotion of well-known filmmakers.但是,戛纳电影节的艺术总监泰瑞-福瑞毛斯说,他们不会有意“照顾”知名电影导演。

9.He's a decent looking player but he's got to come to augment the squad and not as a replacement for Thierry.看起来他还过得去,但他一定只是来增强球队阵容而不是个蒂埃利的替代者。

10.Thierry is a great captain but I hope I can stay at Arsenal for a very, very long time and if I have the chance I would love to be captain.亨利是位伟大的领袖,我希望能够长久地呆在阿森纳,如果有机会我很乐意戴上队长袖标。