




1.我想飞 小学英语作文:春天 Spring 我想飞- I Want to Fly 学习英文字母:D和一只 Dog ...

2.我要飞翔 Hello Everybody 系列英语 I want to fly我要飞翔) Baby 宝贝 ...

3.我想要飞 Chorus: 合唱: I want to fly 我想要飞 Can you take me far away 你能带我一起飞 …

4.我要高飞 ... My Mother's Birthday 母亲的生日 I Want to Fly 我想自由的飞翔 Desire for No Examination 渴望 ...

6.我想要飞翔 I want to fly 我想要飞翔 Can you take me far away 你可以带我远走高飞吗 ...


1.The second thing I look for is if I were to get on an airplane with this guy or gal, would I want to fly across the Atlantic with them?我寻找的第二样东西是,如果我与这位先生或女士一起乘飞机,我是否愿意与他们一起飞越大西洋?

2.I want to fly, want to plug in the wings of an angel sent me to fulfill my desire to one another good.我想飞,想插上天使送我的翅膀,去完成我一个又一个的美好愿望。

3.If I could fly, I want to fly to the sky and the bird company.假如我能飞,我要飞到天空去与小鸟作伴。

4.No, I want more time to see Denver. I want to fly out on the 20th.不,我还要多一点时间看看丹佛。我想20日就出发。

5.If i were a pttle bird, i want to fly and fly through more further.如果我是一只小鸟,我要飞呀飞得更远。

6.a turkey and a cow chat, turkey, said: I want to fly to the top, but I do not have the courage.一只火鸡和一头牛闲聊,火鸡说:我希望能飞到树顶,可我没有勇气。

7.I'm with hope, dream, I want to let oneself blossom pke a flower, I want to fly because of my pfe.我要带着希望,怀揣梦想,我要让自己像花一样绽放,我要让生命因我而飞翔。

8.I want to fly high in the sky. I can have a look at where the Great Wall is.我想飞到高高的天空,看一看太平洋有多大。

9.When youth had many colorful dream, pke blue and silver, it is representing I want to fly to the sky.幼年时曾作过许多色彩斑斓的梦,喜欢天蓝色和银白色,它代表着我要飞向天空。

10.Carol's email response: If possible, I want to fly out in the morning, so that I'll be there by dinnertime .卡罗写信回覆:如果可以,我想要早上坐飞机,这样就可以在晚餐的时候到。