




1.乳腺癌易感基因 ... 骨形成蛋白-2( BMP-2) 乳腺癌易感蛋白1( BRCA-1) 钙粘蛋白相关的神经受体1( CNR-1) ...

6.乳癌突变基因遗传性乳癌突变基因BRCA)属於遗传基因,医学界已证实这基因与遗传性乳癌有密切关系。玛丽医院乳腺外科主任及香港遗 …


1.But Robert Sweet, the presiding judge, disagreed, at least as far as the BRCA genes are concerned.然而主审法官罗伯特•斯威特不同意,起码在涉及BRCA基因的问题上是这样的。

2.But in tumours cells, where the BRCA pathway is disabled by genetic mutation, there is no alternative repair mechanism, and the cells die.而在肿瘤细胞内,在基因突变使BRCA失去能力的地方,没有备选修复机制,细胞便死亡。

3.The rogue genes, known as BRCA 1, BRCA 2 and P53, can be identified through a blood test.有三种通常被称为BRCA1,BRCA2和P53的劣势基因可以通过血检进行识别。

4.The BRCA patents have long frustrated medical researchers, cancer lobbyists and legal activists.医药研究人员,癌症游说者和法律活动家长久以来因BRCA专利而饱受沮丧。

5.This does not affect normal cells because they can call on an alternative repair mechanism, controlled by their healthy BRCA genes.这种治疗之所以不影响正常细胞,是因为它们能唤醒受健康BRCA基因组控制的备用修复机制。

6.There were no epidemiological or genetic risk factors, no mutations in BRCA 1 + 2.目前还没有流行病学或遗传危险因素,没有突变BRCA1+2。