




1.我想见你但根据友人后来转述陈光诚的说法,他当时说的其实是「我想见你I want to see you)。」

2.我想见到你 【诗歌原创】菩提树( Bodhi tree) 【诗歌原创】我想见到你I want to see you) ...

3.我想要见你 ... I want to see you. 我想要见你。 He wanted you to ring him. 他想要你打电话给 …

4.我想看见你 I Want to See You 我非常想见到你 P76 Yours Forever 我永远属于你 P82 ...

6.我愿见你面 ... Holy,Holy Holy 圣洁 圣洁 圣洁 I want to see you 我愿见你面 Open the eyes of my heart,Lord 主啊,求你开我心眼 ...

7.我要见你仅仅通一次电话是不够的,陈光诚表达的「我要见你」(I want to see you)不能误听成「我要吻你」(I want to kiss you)。 …


1.You don not how much I want to see you again.你不知道我是多么的想再次见到你。

2.How much I want to see you this moment. Even though I have nothing. But I think it's perfect to reach the heart.我多想在此刻找到你,即使我什么都没有。这样也许最好。可以直到心田。

3.You don't know how much I want to see you again.你不知道我有多么想要再见你一次。

4.He said, "I want to see you back here girls, at the end of this experience, covered in mud. "他说:“姑娘们,我希望你们玩到浑身是泥以后再回来。”

5.KEMY very sorry! I recently engaged in the project busy, I want to see you, I am very happy to meet you! With you my pfe more exciting.KEMY非常抱歉!我最近搞项目比较忙,我也很想见你,认识你我很开心!有了你我的生活更精彩。

6.Watson was sitting in a different room when he heard through the machine, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you. "华生那时正坐在不同的房间内,便听到机器传来「华生先生请过来,我想见你。」

7.But I haven't got time now to discover the reason. Well, tonight you may leave early, but I want to see you with my guests every evening.好吧,今晚你可以早走一会儿,但我希望每晚都看到你和我的客人在一起。

8.I hope we have one boy , at least , because I want to see you growing up all over again .我希望至少有一个男孩,因为我想看着你再长大一遍。

9.Her last message to me shortly before she died was, "I am going to Heaven and I want to see you there. "临终前她留给我的最后的话语是,“我将要去天堂了,希望能在那里见到你。”

10.I want to see you at least on the computer.我至少想在电脑上看到你。