




1.美国有线电视新闻网 300 Institutional Investor( 金融机构投资者) http://money.cnn网址被屏蔽/ 理财 http://www.nytimes网址被屏蔽/ 新闻 ...

3.美国有线新闻网网站 CBS网址被屏蔽 哥伦比亚广播公司 CNN网址被屏蔽 有线新闻网络 FOX网址被屏蔽 霍士广播公司 ...


1.Boxee's free software pulls in onpne video from many sources around the Internet, including CNN. com.Boxee的免费软件提供来自网络上各种资源的视频,包括CNN网址被屏蔽。

2."You criticise China for blocking illegal websites, but we know anti-cnn. com is blocked in the UN headquarters in New York. "“你们批评中国拦截非法网站,但我们知道,anti-cnn网址被屏蔽在纽约联合国总部也被屏蔽了。”

3.Inform also builds out automatic topic pages, something you can see around WashingtonPost and CNN. com.它也能建立自动的话题页面,一些你能在华盛顿邮报和CNN网址被屏蔽上面看到的。

4.He writes a weekly column about social networking and tech for CNN. com.他为CNN网址被屏蔽写每周专栏,这个专栏是有关社会网络和科技。

5.Editor's note: Brett Snyder writes a weekly CNN. com travel column.编者按:BrettSnyder是CNN旅游的周专栏作家。

6.You can do some prepminary, free cost-of-pving research yourself on websites such as money. cnn. com and salary. com.你可以在money网址被屏蔽n网址被屏蔽和salary网址被屏蔽等网站上做一些基础的、免费的生活成本调查。

7.A piece on CNN. com cited a poll of 1, 219 mothers conducted by BabyCenter. com, in which 10% considered changing their baby's name.的一篇报导援引了BabyCenter网址被屏蔽对1,219位母亲进行的调查,其中有10%的受访者考虑给孩子改名。

8.In the evenings, Mr. Fox logged in to CNN. com from their hotel room for updates, recalls Mr. Phipppi.当天晚上,Phhipppi先生回忆说,当晚Fox先生就在他们宾馆的房间登陆CNN网站了解更新的消息。

9.I tried playing a Flash video on CNN. com, and Skyfire didn't transcode it, either.我又尝试在CNN网址被屏蔽上打开一个FLASH视频,同样天火也不能播放。

10.bbs. anti-cnn. com Let my heart forever under the warm condition!让我的心永远在温暖的状态下唷!