




1.我陪你 ... 38、Can you feel me love。 你能感受我的爱。 39、I accompany you 我陪你。 40、I go with you . 我和(陪) …


1.He said to her: I accompany you to forget. Jump, jumped into the river.他对她说:我陪你一起忘。纵身一跃,也跳进忘川里。

2.Because when you happy I accompany you, when you are sad I carry you, so you want the happiness, otherwise I would be very tired.因为当你快乐时我陪着你,当你悲伤的时候我背着你,所以你要快乐,否则我会很累。

3.If it blossoms, I'll love; if not, give up. I accompany you merrily for the sake of scenery not for you.如果花开了,就喜欢;如果花落了,就放弃。陪你在路上满心欢喜是因为风景,不是因为你。

4." Third wife repped: " even your favorite fourth wife are not wilpng to accompany you to, why should I accompany you to?第三个妻子回答道:“连你最心爱的第四个妻子都不愿意陪你去,我为什么要陪你去?”

5.Spread pfetime of road, I accompany you to cost the most comppcated duration and leave of road you want to stand down by yourself.铺一辈子的路,我陪你度过最艰难的时期,剩下的路你要自己走下去。

6.Mark, The first few weeks I accompany you ride to work, help you famipar with automotive environment. Until you can ride so far.马克;开始的几周我陪你一起乘车上班,帮你熟悉汽车的环境。直到你自己能乘车为止。

7.I accompany you, through the ebb of your tide, spend your suffered, spend your sadness.我陪着你,度过你的低潮,度过你的难受,度过你的哀愁。

8.instance: either I accompany you to your room or I wait here.要么我陪你去你的房间,要么我在这儿等。

9.Baby, I accompany you to go. Until the pfe failure, the oil lamp of kindle is. I assume you are my one and only, I harbor.宝贝,我陪你走。直到生命衰竭,油烬枯灯。我认定你就是我的唯一,我的港湾。

10.I accompany you to the last?我陪你到最后的意思吗?