




1.我很高兴 Coward 胆小鬼 I am glad 我很高兴 Work Problem 工作的毛病 ...

2.我快乐 ... I am sad. 我难过。 I am glad. 我快乐。 I appreciate your assistance. 感谢你的帮助。 ...

3.我很高兴的意思 ... It is a person from Taiwan. ← 这句话是说....这个人是从台湾来的 I am glad 我很高兴的意思 sorry 我看错第2句了 ...


1.Bill, I am glad to hear from you! I've been at it day and night. . . looking over the records.比尔,我很高兴得到你的消息!我这些天都忙着核对那些账目报表,

2.But as Sherlock Holmes put it, "I am glad of all details, whether they seem to you to be relevant or not. "然而,就像福尔摩斯所说,“我喜欢任何细节,不论在你看来他们是否相关。”

3.I am glad to hear that you were appointed. . . , on which I congratulate you most heartily.很高兴得知你被任命为·······,衷心的祝贺你

4.I am glad that the comments we received during and since the visit suggest that our Legislative Council Members are satisfied on this point.我很高兴在参观过程及其后所收到的意见均显示,各位议员对我们在这方面的工作感到很满意。

5.But I am glad I did not choose to give up Kobe, at least not to let me regret.但我庆幸自己没有选择放弃科比,至少不要让自己后悔。

6.You're fun to be with and you are understanding too. You are all the things good friends are made of. I am glad I am friends with you!和您相处很愉快,而且您还善解人意,您有作为一个好朋友应有的一切,与您为友,真正快乐!

7.I am glad you approve of what I have done, ' said he very comfortably. 'But I thought you would.“你赞成我的做法,我很高兴,”韦斯顿先生颇感欣慰地说。

8.I am glad to see you, I would pke to invite you to dinner together and discuss the case of business cooperation.我很高兴能够见到你,我希望可以邀请您一同吃晚餐,并且讨论生意上的合作案。

9.He said a few clubs, Chelsea, Madrid, and I am glad to be here now.他先说了一些俱乐部,切尔西,马德里,我更想去切尔西。

10.And I am glad of another thing, and that is, that of course you know you may depend upon my keeping it and always so far deserving it.还有一件事也使我高兴,那就是你告诉我心中之事,相信我能为你保守秘密,并认为这永远是对的。