


网络释义:工作危害分析(Job Hazard Analysis);欧盟法律暨家庭事务政策(Justice and Home Affairs);工作危险性分析


1.工作危害分析(Job Hazard Analysis)curity Popcy (CFSP) and Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) and for the first time the two sovereignty related areas of fore...

3.工作危险性分析安全监督力度不够 受限空间作业的工作危险性分析JHA) 分解工作步骤 识别每一步工作的具体危险性 分析工作的风险的程 …

4.工作危害分析法1.采用工作危害分析法JHA)对作业活动进行风险分析。    2.采用安全检查表法(SCL)对设备设施(安全生产条件)进行 了 …


1.Since the firm's handset business also tends to be slow early in the year, Sanjay Jha, its boss, expects a loss in the first quarter.由于每年年初,其手机业务增速都会趋缓,因而公司老板SanjayJha预计,今年第一季度将亏损。

2.Mr. Zander said he made some progress, and bepeves Mr. Jha has made more.桑德说,他取得了一些成绩,并认为杰哈在这方面的成就更大。

3.Jha, the new co-CEO of Motorola, had been talking to Rubin for months, hoping to persuade him to let Motorola build the next Android phone.贾阿是摩托罗拉新任的联合首席运营官,已经与鲁宾磋商了好几个月,希望说服鲁宾同意摩托罗拉生产下一部Android手机。

4.A year later, she worked with critically-acclaimed director Manish Jha as a Chief Assistant Director on his feature film, 'Anwar'.一年之后,她与极具批判性的导演玛尼什·扎哈合作,成为他的长篇影片《Anwar》的首席助理导演。

5.Jha promised a device that would be far faster than any other smartphone.Jha承诺,将会打造一款比其他任何智能手机都要快很多的产品。

6."A year ago, we focused on smartphones and we bet on Android, " Jha explained at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen last week.“一年前,我们致力于智能手机的开发,豪赌Android操作系统”,Jha上周在阿斯彭财富头脑风暴技术会议上解释。

7.Mr. Jha said at the conference last month that weak marketing was to blame for the performance of the tablet and laptop-phone.杰哈在上个月的论坛上说,平板电脑和“笔记本加手机”的表现要归咎于营销不力。

8.Jha said the company will sell both 7-inch and 10-inch tablets.Jha表示,该公司将同时推出7英寸和10英寸平板。

9.A turning point came when Mr. Jha decided to slash jobs and focus on creating phones based solely on Google's Android operating system.转折点发生在杰哈决定裁减人员、并专注于开发完全基于谷歌安卓(Android)操作系统的手机之时。

10.The company named Sanjay Jha, Qualcomm chief operating officer, to lead the unit, sending its shares up 10 per cent by midday in New York.摩托罗拉任命高通(Qualcomm)原首席运营官桑贾伊•杰哈(SanjayJha)领导该部门,这一消息使得摩托罗拉股价截至纽约午盘上涨了10%。