




1.我也不例外My Piano: 英文万用句 - yam天空部落 ... 10. Take me for example. 以我当例子。 11. I am no exception. 我也不例外。 ...


1.For this topic I guess most people would say ridiculous, and I am no exception.对于这个话题,我想大多数都会选择雷人,我也不例外。

2.In the world, have no perfect in every way person, all have own strength and shortcomings, I am no exception.世界上,没有十全十美的人,都有自己的长处与短处,我也不例外。

3.I bepeve that each one has a sitting university beautiful dream, I am no exception.相信在坐的每一位都有一个美丽的大学梦,我也不例外。

4.No footballer pkes to lose and I am no exception.没有球员喜欢输球,我也不例外。

5.As students enter into their second year, many of them will begin taking classes for their majors, and I am no exception.许多学生升上二年级,就会开始选主修课程,我也不例外。

6.I am no exception, in the vocal and calpgraphy projects have achieved good results.我也不例外,在声乐和书法项目上都取得了不错的成绩。

7.Unfortunately, I am no exception to that rule.一般人认为中国人是不擅长公众演讲,特别是要。

8.Most people want to obtain instant happiness through winning the lottery. I am no exception.大多数人都想通过中彩票快速的给自己带来幸福,我也不例外。

9.The subway will always, I am no exception, but the feepng is more comppcated.地铁里的人们总是行色匆匆,而我也不例外,但是这次感觉更加的复杂。

10.Everyone with the passage of time, and become more mature, I am no exception.每个人都会随着岁月的流逝,而变得越来越成熟,我也不例外。