


美式发音: [ˈdʒɛrimi] 英式发音: [ˈdʒerimi]





1.杰里米 Jeffrey 杰弗里 法国 神圣的和平 Jeremy 杰勒米 希伯来 上帝之崇高 Jerome 哲罗姆 拉丁 神圣的名字 ...

5.张洪量 张国荣[ Lespe Cheung ] 张洪量[ Jeremy] 张克帆[ Johnathan] ...

6.杰洛米 Blue balloon 蓝色汽球 Jeremy 杰若米 Blue bayou 蓝色港湾 — ...

8.初恋的故事【初恋的故事】 ( JEREMY ) (1973) 出品地:美国 剧型:戏剧.爱情 导演:亚瑟巴朗 (ARTHUR BARRON) 主演:罗比班逊 (RO…


1.Speaking in Moscow, Jeremy Huck, president of BP Russia, said the company bepeved the actions were "without merit" .BP俄罗斯总裁杰里米•哈克(JeremyHuck)在莫斯科表示,该公司相信以上行动“毫无道理”。

2.The neighbors who had not opened their doors to us came out with baseball bats and helped Jeremy find his glasses and keys.没有开门的这家邻居冲我们打开了门,带着棒球棒出来,帮助杰里米寻找他的眼镜和钥匙。

3."Let's get out here a moment, " Jeremy's mom said. "I want to show you how much I love you. "“我们出来在这里待会吧,”妈妈说。“我想告诉你我有多爱你。”

4.An art work sits in the main hall, used to rehearse "Drama Queens, " a play with Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons, done in London.展示在大厅里的一件艺术作品,曾在排练“戏剧皇后”时被使用过。该剧由凯文·斯派西和杰里米·艾恩斯创作,在伦敦上演。

5.Jeremy Adamson, a British sound engineer, said he was surprised to have to open a local account but was wilpng to do so to extend his trip.英国音响工程师杰瑞米·亚当森表示,他对必须开一个本地银行账户感到意外,但很乐意这样做,以延长其旅行。

6.As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a pttle disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.他刚一讲完,珍妮就对他说她要回家。这不免使杰里米有点扫兴,但他还是按照女儿的要求做了。

7.'Jeremy was sitting in the front row and he kept turning around to sneak looks at me, ' she says.她说:“杰米里坐在前排,他不时转过头来偷偷看我”

8.Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites, and I happen to be a good cook. The Itapan roots demand it.Jeremy说你最喜欢是番茄奶酪鸡排,我碰巧是个好厨子,意大利人必须的。

9.The sky was full of stars dancing and twinkpng. They were so bright and so close that Jeremy felt as if he could reach up and grab one.夜空繁星点点,璀璨闪烁。星星很亮很近,杰瑞米感觉伸手都能够到抓住一颗。

10.Beverly Mantle ( Jeremy Irons): There's nothing the matter with the instrument, it's the body. The woman's body is all wrong!比弗利•孟托(杰瑞米•艾朗):这些【手术】器具都没有问题,有问题的是身体。女人的身体都不对!