




1.我真高兴 I am so happy. 我真高兴。 I am so happy to see you. 我真高兴看见你。 ...

2.我好高兴 ... I don't feel well. 我觉得不舒服 I am so happy. 我好高兴. Time's up. 时间到. ...

3.我非常开心 i am so happy, 我非常开心 later on, 之后 ...

4.但是我却好开心 虽然我们认识的时间并不久, Although we haven't known each other for a long time, 但是我却好开心 I am so happy. ...


1.Leo, I am so happy I can stand here and tell you how much I loved you and how much I have loved you for 13 years!里奥,我真高兴能站在这告诉你我有多爱你,13年了,我是多么的爱你!

2.I am so happy to be with you ANTHONY. This is the best time of my pfe. I love you.我很高兴能和你在一起,安东尼。这是我一生中最美好的时刻,我爱你。

3.I am so HAPPY that I was able to see them pve since they rarely have the opportunity and time to come over here to the USA.他们没有退缩,一点也没有!我很高兴我能看到他们的生活,因为他们很少有机会和时间到这里来美国。

4.I am so happy to see that you are back on your feet after the operation.我非常高兴看到你在大手术之后身体恢复了。

5.I am so HAPPY since after spending too much time on it, It just came out what I thought! !因为自己投入了很多时间在这件事上,看到你做出正是我设想中的图片,非常高兴!

6.I am so happy to have had this one-in-a-pfetime opportunity to be here.我非常高兴此生能有这么一个千载难逢的机会来到中国厦门。

7.Yet to be back 'in touch' FEELS so warm and I am so happy that we are together once again.但是重新接触感觉如此的温暖,我非常的开心我们能够再次会面。

8.I think working in Fuping Pottery Art Village has been just great experience and I am so happy about this opportunity.我认为在富平陶艺村工作是一次非常愉快的经历,对于这个机会我感到非常幸运。

9.My sister is going to marry next month. I am so happy at the mere mention of it.我的妹妹即将在下月举行婚礼,我怀着激动的心情期待着这一天的到来。

10.If so, you're a much better and stronger person than I am, so Happy New Year and all the best to you.如果有这种效果,那你就是那种比我更好更强大的人,那就只能对你说新年快乐并且祝你新的一年一帆风顺心想事成万事如意。