




1.我可以等 ... It’s not an emergency. 这不是紧急情况. I can wait. 我可以等. Immigration Here’s my passport. 这是我的护照. ...

2.我能等你 ... That I can’t let this go( 我不会坐失良机) I can wait我能等你) For however long it takes( 等多久都愿意…

3.我说够了,我可以等 I don't know. Maybe. 我不知道,也许吧 That's enough. I can wait. 我说够了,我可以等 ...

4.我再也不能等了 ... 28. 我刚想起一个好主意。 I just ______ up ______ a good idea. 29. 我再也不能等了I can wait ______ ______ . ...

5.也许有天生命中会出现 keep my faith 一步步靠直觉 i can wait 也许有天生命中会出现 ...


1.If I can wait here patiently, so can the rest of you. The next one who disobeys my orders will meet a worse fate. I promise you that!如果我能够耐心的等在这里,你们也必须等。下一个违抗我命令的将遇到一个更悲惨的命运。我发誓会的。

2.I can wait to be able to leave also but I only want to know fact and truth.我可以等待也可以离开,但我只想知道事实和真相!

3.I do not know why I can wait for you two for so long.我不知道为什么我可以等你两年了这么久。

4.talk about tlming. i'm running late to work, but i think i can wait. let me just start off with a bagel.真是倒霉,有点迟到,但我可以等一下,先给我来个面包圈吧

5."Now, I can wait for you, " he said grimly; "but hurry up. "“哎,我可以等你,”他凶狠地说,“可你也得快点。”

6.If you don't want to talk about it, I can wait, as long as you're still in love with me.如果你现在不想谈,而却爱着我,我等你。

7.But I can wait, it is only a matter of time . . .但我可以等,这只是个时间问题……

8.Every time I whisper your name, I can wait to run to you. I want to be along with you.每次轻念你的名字,我都迫不及待的想奔向你,我想和你在一起。

9.OK. I will wait again. but I did not know how long I can wait!好的。我再等等。但不知道要等多久!

10.Be not however in haste; I can wait; I shall not be impatient!不要着急;我可以等,绝不会焦躁!