




1.我没有钱 ... have no money: 没钱/没有钱 I have no money: 我没有钱 have no money with sb.: 某人身上没(带)钱 ...

2.我没钱 I am not rich. 我不是富翁 I have no money. 我没钱 I am not a milponaire. 这是真的 你的玩笑 是不是开的太过火了 ...

3.我没钱了 I’m broke. 我没钱了。 补充: I have no money. 我没钱了。 I’m out of money. 我没钱了 ...

4.我一文不名 ... I have lovely friends. 我有可爱的朋友。 I have no money. 我一文不名。 I have to become strong. 我必须庄敬自强。 ...

5.我没有钱了 别为我担心! - Don’t worry about me! 我没有钱了 - I have no money ...

6.说没钱计小学没毕业,法官告知他需要罚款250美金,这老兄说没钱I have no money),法官说今天先交150,后面再交,问他是 …


1.I say that he was only a child, and threatened: "I have no money, stop picking or I'll send you to the popce station. "我看他是小孩子,就吓唬他说:“我没有钱,你不用再来掏,要不然送你去公安局。”

2.I'm afraid that I won't be able to spend the weekend with you in Dapan. For one thing, I have no money and another I'm too busy.恐怕我不能和你一起去大连度周末了,一来我没有钱,二来我太忙。

3.At his wit's end, he sought the Master out and said, "What is to become of me? I have no money and no friends" .一筹莫展之下他找到了大师说:“我该怎么办呢?没有钱,也没有朋友。”

4.Jack: Of course. I have no money but I can afford to see hot and pretty car models.当然了。虽然我没有钱,但起码看那些火辣的美女还能支付的起的。

5.Today, I started my first day at work, I've been unemployed for a while and am in college, so naturally I have no money.今天,我开始工作的第一天,我已经失业了一段时间,因为我还在上大学时,所以没有钱。

6.I would have bought a beautiful gift for her birthday, yet I have no money.我本想给她买件漂亮的生日礼物,可是我没有钱。

7.To tell the truth, I have no money with me.说真的,我身上没带钱。

8."Well, I have no money, but I will give you this pair of warm gloves, " said Mr. Vinegar.“啊,我没钱了,可我愿把这副暖和的手套给你,”醋溜先生说。

9."Now call a cop, I cannot pay. I have no money, " said Soapy. "And don't keep a gentleman waiting. "“叫警察去吧,我付不起钱。一个子儿都没有。”苏比说。“动作快点儿,别让爷们儿等着。”

10.t go on my vacation this summer. The main reasons are as follows: firstly, I have no money; second, I have no time.今年夏天我不能去度假。主要原因如下:首先是没钱,其次是没时间。