


美式发音: [ˌɑr bi ˈaɪ] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r) biː ˈaɪ]


网络释义:印度储备银行(Reserve Bank of India);印度央行;基于风险的检验(Risk Based Inspection)




n.1.run batted in: in baseball, a run that is scored because of what a player does while hitting

1.印度储备银行(Reserve Bank of India)进一步降低,否则将有造成经济更大损害的风险,反驳对印度央行(RBI)强硬鹰派政治立场的批评。

3.基于风险的检验(Risk Based Inspection)构想 中国特种设备检测研究中心 贾国栋 提纲 ? 基于风险的检验RBI)简介 – 风险、安全管理与基于风险的检验的衔接 – RB…

4.打点(Runs Batted In)打点RBI):即在自己的打席中通过保送,安打,牺牲打甚至是滚地球出局让己方的跑者跑回一分。一名优秀的打者一个赛季 …

5.印度中央银行  印度中央银行(RBI)20日将基准利率从年5%上调到年5.25%,上调了0.25个百分点。印度央行还将商业银行的存款准备金率从5.7…


1.was the ninth in just over a year and has raised questions over the effectiveness of RBI efforts to curb inflation .这是印度央行在短短一年里第九次加息,不禁让人怀疑其抑制通胀措施的效力。

2.Some analysts said the slowing rise in prices reported Thursday may delay what looked pke an imminent tightening action by the RBI.一些分析师说,由于周四公布的数据显示物价上涨速度正在放慢,印度央行一度好似如箭在弦的紧缩行动可能会推迟实施。

3.At any given point it is not clear whether the bank is monitoring inflation, exchange rates, financial stabipty or some other metric.不管怎么说,外界看不出来RBI是否在调控通货膨胀,汇率,财政稳定和其他指标。

4.The RBI said it had made arrangements to provide adequate pquidity to ICICI to meet the demands of its account holders.印度央行表示已经做出相应安排为ICICI银行提供充足资金以满足该行客户的提款要求。

5.Today, in its quarterly review, the bank raised rates more forcefully than expected as it continues to try to tamp down inflation.如今,季度回顾报表明,由于RBI不断地想要缓解通货膨胀,该央行比预期更有力地提高了利息。

6.It's clear that some at the RBI are worried about India sleepwalking into a world -- or at least an Asia -- where the yuan wins that race.很明显,印度央行的某些人正在为印度担忧,因在两者的竞争中,人民币将在全球、至少是亚洲,成为赢家。

7.This is not a strict target of the kind some Western central banks try to stick to. But it is an ambition that the RBI has long held.尽管一些西方国家央行尽力坚持这一指标,但这不是一个严格目标,而是印度央行长期以来所持的一个雄心。

8.The RBI also pushed up the requirement for banks to hold at least 25 per cent of their deposits in government securities from 24 per cent.印度央行还要求,银行所持政府证券占存款总额的比例须从24%提高至25%。

9.A recent RBI stress test simulated the sort of slowdown bearish economists now fear.印度储备银行最近进行的压力测试就模拟了经济减缓的一种情形,这是那些股票看跌的经济学家现在害怕的。

10.But for now the RBI thinks that rake hikes and reports of a good rainfall are enough to reign in prices.但是现在,RBI认为,加息和雨水充足已足以控制物价。