




1.我弹钢琴 ... She plays the viopn. 她拉小提琴。 1 . I play the piano. 我弹钢琴。 New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 ...

2.我会弹钢琴 ... 世界闻名的大思想家 » World-renowned philosopher 我会弹钢琴 » I play the piano 解决杂志 » Resolve magazine ...

3.我在弹琴 ... He studies. 他读书 I play the piano- 我在弹琴 I take a walk- 我在走路 ...

4.本句是我会弹钢琴 ... 3.I play the piano. 本句是我会弹钢琴。不适合用被动语态(不合逻辑)。 电视被看 = TV is watched. ...


1.A few days ago we had a music test to see who can be in band next year. Since I play the piano, I got in.前几天我们音乐测试看谁能进明年的乐队。因为我平时弹钢琴,所以这次我得的成绩很好,我被邀请参加明年的乐队!

2.The neighbors love it when I play the piano. They keep breaking my window to hear me better.邻居非常喜欢听我弹钢琴,为了听得更真切他们老是打碎我的窗子。

3.the neighbors love it when i play the piano . they break my window to hear me better.邻居非常喜欢听我弹钢琴,他们为了听得更真切打碎了我的窗子。

4.I play the piano well, so I would be in ecstasies once I finished a melody.我弹钢琴弹得很不错,所以每当我弹完一首曲子,我都会如醉如痴。

5.Will it worry you if I play the piano?我弹钢琴是否会打扰你?

6.Would you mind if I play the piano?我弹钢琴你介意吗?

7.He runs away desperately to the closet or the drawer every time I play the piano.我每次弹琴,他都不顾一切地跳进壁橱或者抽屉里。

8.In the evening, I play the piano. On Sunday, I go shopping, and play with my friends.星期天,我去购物,还有和我的朋友们玩。

9.I play the piano. I love reading, sketching and watching LOST.我喜欢购物和旅游,闲暇时弹弹钢琴,我喜爱阅读,素描,爱看电视剧《迷失》。

10.a i play the piano . i practise every week . it ' s my hobby.我弹钢琴。我每周都练习。这是我的业余爱好。