




1.我想睡觉 ⑥Just a minute. 等一会儿。 ⑧I want to sleep. 我想睡觉。 Where are you from? 你来自哪 …

2.我想睡觉呢 ... 02 work 工作 03 I want to sleep 我想睡觉呢 04 dream 梦 ...

3.我想要睡觉 ... She demanded to see the headmaster. 她请求见校长。 I want to sleep. 我想要睡觉。 经济上的需要 economic nee…

4.我想睡觉了 ... The pool is deep. 池塘水太深了。 I want to sleep. 我想睡觉了。 Let’s dive and dip. 让我们一起潜水吧。 ...

5.我要睡觉了 ... 51095 ——我要你嫁我 I want you to marry me 51396 ——我要睡觉了 I want to sleep 514 ——无意思 No …

6.我要训搅 我要食 I want to eat 我要训搅 I want to sleep 我要冲凉 I need to take a bath ...

7.我想自己睡觉 ... 黑板上的气象预报 weather forecast 我想自己睡觉 I want to sleep 期盼 Look forwar…

8.我睡觉动词 ... 例如 I wanna play. 我「想要」睡觉动词 I want to sleep. 我「想要」去 动词 I want to go. ...


1.I want to sleep all day. Did not study much at all. So I feel kind of blue today. Because I wasted a whole day.今天一直很困,根本没有怎么学习。所以感觉有点郁闷,因为浪费了一整天。

2.I finally finished, do not know you are not satisfied, but it does do its utmost, and now 3: 00, and I want to sleep.我终于做完了,不知道您是不是满意,但是确实尽最大努力了,现在都凌晨3点了,我要睡了。

3."Carry me to your bedroom, " he tells the princess. "I am tired and I want to sleep a pttle. You can rest with me. "“带我去你的房间,”它跟公主说。“我累了,想要睡一下。妳可以跟我一起睡。”

4.Vernon zhong: really? Good. Let me tell you now that i want to sleep. Won't you be angry, yes?仲天骐:真的?太好了,那我现在告诉你,我现在很想睡,你不会生气吧?

5.Because I can do whatever I want without having to ask for a leave, and I can sleep at when I want to sleep.因为我终于可以做什么事都不用请假,也可以在想睡觉的时候再睡觉。

6.In Syria another did the same when his wife apparently said, "I want to sleep with Muhannad for just one night and then die. "在叙利亚,也有人在妻子明确表示“我就想和Muhannad睡一晚,然后就去死”后如法炮制。

7."Let me out, young princess, " he cries. "Remember your promise. I want to sleep beside you on your pillow. "“小公主!让我出去!”它叫道。“记住你的承诺,我要睡在你旁边的枕头上。”

8.Whenever I want to sleep, is mother's hard stance let me continue to insist, put to the mother moved into my hard work of power.每当我想休息时,是母亲那辛苦的姿态让我继续坚持,把对母亲的感动化为我拼搏的动力。

9.Hey! Just getting coffee. Co-worker coffee, not "I want to sleep with you" coffee.只是一杯咖啡只是同事的那种咖啡不是“我要跟你上床”的那种咖啡

10.Here is a good Engpsh sentence to use only when you are writing to me. I want to sleep with you, Tom.这是仅在你写给我的时候用到的好得句子:我想和你睡觉。