




1.少了个L ... occasionally 是偶尔的意思 AWAYS 少了个L home town word 是家乡话的意 …

2.一直 ... cause 因为 aways 一直 where 哪里 ...

3.永远爱你 ... 12. A Dancing Teddy 跳舞的泰迪熊 04. Aways 永远爱你 10. Home 家 ...


1.The CLS is still quite a time aways from its release, as it is slated for a 2011 launch.的华彩仍然相当的时间纪念品其释放,因为它是定为2011年发射。

2.Baby diapers, which used to be made of reusable cloth, are now paper throw-aways.婴儿尿布以前用循环使用的布制成,现在都变成纸质的一次性产品了。

3.Wherever Lady Gaga went , she was aways surrounded by big fans who make special visits to support her from different places .所到之处,都围满了从各地专程跑来支持他的狂热粉丝们。

4.Lip aways go shopping with her friends during the weekends.莉莉经常在周末和朋友一起去购物。

5.You destroyed the spirit of garbage, ceipng remodepng your spirit, the sanctity of the bidding for Guan Yang, from the skypght aways.销毁你的精神垃圾,重塑你的精神天花板,让一束圣洁的阳关,从天窗洒入。

6.Buy re-usable products rather than throw-aways, as it takes water to make most everything.鉴于几乎所有的东西都需要水来制造,因此购买可重复使用的产品,而非那些用过就扔的商品。

7.But whatever the national colours flying above each provincial "forward operating base" , the food is aways the same: American.然而,无论各省的“前线工作基地”上空飘扬的是哪个国家的旗帜,各军的食物总是一样的:美国制造。

8.And I know secret bachelor hide-aways where virtually no westerner has ever walked before.我知道一些秘密的单身汉藏身之处,这些地方事实上连西部牛仔都没有到过。

9.Privatisation is also poptically attractive, potentially raising funds for electoral give-aways.从政治的角度看,私有化很有吸引力,可以为将来的选举捐赠筹集资金。

10.What are the key take-aways of the book for entrepreneurs?对创业者来说,这本书的最大看点是什么?