




1.冰后 雪人: Yeti 冰后 : Ice Queen /Disconnect 断开连接(踢人) ...

2.冰雪女王 A Dangerous Mind( 危险念头) Ice Queen冰雪女王) Eversleeping( 永眠) ...

3.冰之女王 ... D.D. Survivor( 异次元的生还者) Ice Queen( 冰之女王) Card Trooper( 卡片炮击士) ...

4.冰雪皇后 火焰孔雀 Flaming Peacock 冰皇后 Ice Queen 宝石 Jewel ...

7.冰美人 死亡骑士 Death Knight 冰之女皇 Ice Queen 巨蚁女皇 Giant Ant Quee ...


1.Hey, where's the Ice Queen? Off ruining the last tiny shred of fun I'm still allowed to have in this party, I presume?嘿,冰山女王去哪了?我猜,是去破坏我在这个队伍里被允许享受的最后一丁点儿乐趣了吧?

2.It all seems at odds with the atmosphere of apen hauteur and ice-queen cool projected by her album sleeve and videos.LaRoux似乎不认同在专辑封面和影像里表现出的外星人式傲慢和冰雪女王式冷酷的形象。

3.The makers asked for permission to bring in 12 reindeer to New Zealand to pull the Ice Queen's sled.制作人员申请许可带12头驯鹿进入纽西兰用来拉“冰雪女皇”的雪橇。

4.Adrian : Well in addition to being the Prom Queen she is also the Ice Queen, the Snob Queen and the Thai Kick Boxing Queen.阿德里恩:嗯,她除了是舞会皇后外,还是冷漠皇后、势利皇后和泰拳皇后。

5.she is also the Ice Queen, the Snob Queen and the Thai Kick Boxing Queen.她还是冰雪王后,——王后和太极拳王后?

6.Charisma Sandal of Ice Queen冰之女皇魅力凉鞋

7.Charisma Dress of Ice Queen冰之女王魅力礼服

8.The Type: The Ice Queen类型:冰雪皇后

9.Ice Staff of Ice Queen冰之女皇的冰魔杖