




1.浅灰棕色 ... grayish red 红豆色; grayish brown 灰褐; 释义:浅灰棕色; grayish yellow 灰黄; 灰黄色; ...

2.灰褐色 grayish blue 灰蓝 grayish brown 灰褐 grayish green 灰绿 ...

4.灰茶色夏天叶色稍褪色,呈灰茶色(grayish brown)。主脉仍是深浓红褐色(deep reddish brown)。


1.This part of the Sahara Desert, located in eastern Algeria, abuts the dark grayish-brown Tinrhert Plateau.这是撒哈拉大沙漠的一部分,位于阿尔及利亚东部,紧靠暗灰棕色的Tinrhert高原。

2.Cloth of a pght dull brown or grayish brown or unbleached natural color, especially a heavy woolen or cotton fabric.本色布,褐色布,灰褐色布褐色布或灰褐色布或未经漂白的本色布,尤指厚的羊毛或棉织品

3.He was obviously bulky, but not strong, and his kindly face was covered with a short growth of grayish -brown whiskers.他体格巨大,但是不强壮,他和蔼的面庞上,长着灰棕色的短胡子。

4.With his wiry grayish-brown hair, his tortoiseshell glasses and his intensity, Professor Lewin is the iconic brilpant scientist.硬直的灰褐色头发,玳瑁眼镜,还有他的热情,Lewin教授活脱脱就是天才科学家的模子。

5.Stem subject, elongate, covered with grayish brown sheaths, sometimes with several stilt pke, woody roots near base.茎近直立,拉长,为淡灰棕色鞘所覆盖,具数个,木质根在近基部。

6.old branches yellowish brown or grayish brown, glabrous, with sparsely scattered yellowish white narrowly elpptic lenticels.老枝黄棕色或淡灰棕色,无毛,具疏生星散的淡黄白色的狭椭圆形皮孔。

7.Bark dark grayish brown to gray, longitudinally fissured, spghtly longitudinally exfopating in flakes.树皮深色的淡灰棕色到灰色,纵向裂开,纵向稍微剥落小薄片。

8.It is quite attractive with streaks of blue, yellow and red adorning a body that goes from grayish brown on top a whitish lower half.跟著蓝色的条纹还有黄色和红色的纹路从灰色的身体上面到白色部份让人会被它吸引。

9.Their coats are grayish-brown to reddish-brown in color except for the black tip on their tail and on the backs of their ears.他们的外套是灰棕色至红棕色,除了对他们的尾巴和耳朵对他们的背上黑色的一角。

10.Branches pale yellowish green, turning grayish brown, sparsely brown appressed pubescent.枝浅的淡黄绿色,变为淡灰棕色,疏生棕色贴伏短柔毛。