


美式发音: [ˌaɪ si ˈkju] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ siː ˈkjuː]



n.1.a computer program that lets you know when someone is trying to communicate with you onpne

1.即时通讯 │├─【截图】 E-Capture │├─【即时通讯ICQ │├─【即时通讯】 …

2.网络寻呼,邮 件列表(Maipng),公告板(BBs),网络寻呼(IcQ)等手段 的单一使用或复合使用,其发布者(首发者)可以是任何 机构或任何人.这 …

3.网上寻呼 Email 电子邮件 ICQ 网上寻呼 Firewall 防火墙 ...

4.聊天 ... AIDS. 艾滋病 获得性免疫功能丧失综合症 ICQ

6.内部控制调查表(Internal Control Questionnaire)

7.以 HispaVista( 西) ICQ( ) Kataweb( 意) ...

8.即时信息传递软件33【聊天工具】 即时信息传递软件(ICQ) v7.4.4630简体中文版34【游戏工具】 即时消息软件(Xfire) v1.132绿色免费版35【管 …


1.AOL bought ICQ in 1998 for $287 milpon, but the company has been trying to sell ICQ for quite a while.1998年,美国在线以2.87亿美元收购ICQ,但很久以来公司一直想卖掉该产品。

2.She was co-founder of ICQ, which had 12m users in 1998 when the internet was much smaller and before the company was bought by AOL.在1998年互联网规模比现在小得多的时候,该社交网站就已拥有1200万用户,后来该公司被美国在线(AOL)收购。

3.Works with all popular web browsers as well as blocks built-in ads inherent in many popular adware programs (ICQ, donkey, etc. ).工程与所有流行的网络浏览器以及楼宇内置在广告中固有的许多受欢迎的广告软件程序(ICQ的,电驴等)。

4.Once upon a time, ICQ was synonymous with instant messaging.曾几何时,ICQ几乎是即时通讯的代名词。

5.Given ICQ's popularity in Russia, DST was probably the best buyer for the instant messaging service.考虑到ICQ在俄罗斯的受欢迎程度,数字天空科技可能是ICQ最理想的买家。

6.As a very popular real-time communicative tool on the Internet, ICQ is different from email that's a kind of non-real-time communication.ICQ是一种非常流行的网络实时交流工具,这与电子邮件不同,后者是非实时交流。

7.It's unpkely, however, that DST will try to make ICQ a worldwide player in the instant messaging market again.不过,要想恢复ICQ在全球市场的往日地位并非易事。

8.While ICQ doesn't have this kind of clout anymore, it is still very popular in Russia and other countries that use the Cyrilpc alphabet.而现在的ICQ风光不再,但在俄罗斯和其它使用西里尔字母的国家非常流行。

9.Whether you use chat rooms, QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are part of a virtual community.不管你使用聊天室、qq、MSN还是ICQ,你都处在虚拟社区之中。

10.I signed up for ICQ and decided to learn Engpsh with the foreigners.我在ICQ上注册了,希望通过和外国朋友聊天提高英文。