

ID card

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复数:ID cards  同义词

n.identity card,pass,card,passport


ID-card— see alsoidentity card


n.1.an official document or card that shows who you are

1.身份证 网址 URL 身份证 ID-Card 电话号码 Phone ...

2.证件号码 ... <label for="card-type"> 证件类型: <label for="id-card"> 证件号码: ...

3.识别身份卡 ... 停借标志 Flag-borrow 身份证号 Id-card 口令 password ...

5.识别卡举个例子, 你可以透过在"学校成员"(SchoolMember)类别加入一个新的"识别卡"(ID-card) 栏位来简单地替老师,学生类别加入 …


1.The plan stressed that this strategy is not a national Internet ID card, that it's completely voluntary, and will be run by private sectors.该计划强调,这一战略是不是一个国家的互联网身份证,它是完全自愿的,将由私营部门的运行。

2.You're going to put together some PHP image-manipulation code that will allow you to create an ID-card image suitable for lamination.您将整合一些PHP图像处理代码,这些代码将允许您创建适合贴膜(lamination)的ID卡片图像。

3.So the bank froze my account and I am not allowed to open a new account with that ID card.于是银行冻结了我的账户,而且我不能用我的身份证在任何银行开新的账户。

4.For safety and security of your funds, be sure to carry your ID card with you and set your password in advance when opening your account.当然在您办理开户的时候,请别忘记带上您的身份证并预留您的密码,这样会使您的资金更安全,更可靠。

5.Otherwise please take to bring with your ID card to be able to be unable to enter.请带上你的身份证否则会无法进入。

6.Mary lost her handbag, and the devil of it was that the handbag contained her ID card and passport.玛丽丢了提包,更糟的是提包里有她的身份证和护照。

7.And instead of him swiping an ID card to enter his building, he just needs to wave his hand to gain entrance.不再需要刷ID卡,如今他只需晃动手臂,就可以轻松进入门禁。

8.Not really . But I need to see your ID card and you need to fill out a deposit spp.倒不用。可是,我得要看你的身份证。你填一个存款单就行。

9.Found : A set of keys and a school ID card .失物招领:一套钥匙和一个学生证。

10.In opening an account of C-type foreign currency deposits, the depositor shall present his or her ID card or other vapd credentials.开立丙种外币存款账户时,储户可凭其护照,居民证明或其他有效身份证件。