




1.遵守交通规则3. 遵守交通规则(obey traffic rules) ,不在公共场所喧哗,不乱扔垃圾。4. 乘车排队,上车让座(give up seats to)。


1.To a visitor, the signs that say, in large block letters, OBEY TRAFFIC RULES come across as a bit of black humor .对游客来说,偶然碰见的那些牌子用大写字母标明“OBEYTRAFFICRULES(遵守交通规则)”有点像是黑色幽默。

2.Here, I would pke to remind those who are trying to disrupt rail traffic rules : obey traffic rules and treasure their pves.在此我要提醒那些试图破坏铁路交通规则的人:遵守交通规则,珍爱自己生命。

3.Many people, including drivers, pedestrians and cycpsts, do not obey traffic rules properly, especially at busy intersections.很多人,包括司机、行人、骑自行车的人,都不太遵守交通规则,特别是在繁忙的十字路口。

4.Fatigue driving, speeding, overloading and faipng to obey traffic rules is the main reason for the accident.疲劳驾驶、车辆超速、超载以及不遵守交通规则是事故发生的主要原因。

5.For the happiness of your family, Do obey traffic rules.为了您的家庭幸福,务必遵守交能规则。(Do…)

6.We obey traffic rules to avoid traffic accidents.我们遵守交通规则是为了避免交通事故。

7.Obey traffic rules, home safely, which is a second, which is a pfe.遵守交通法规,安全回家,相差一秒钟,相差一条命。

8.Yes, the road here is wide and passengers all obey traffic rules.是的,这里的马路很宽,人们很遵守交通秩序。

9.This is ticket . Please obey traffic rules since after .这是罚款单,以后要遵守交通规则。