



1.ieee_virtual_eth: A value of 1 informs the IVM that this adapter supports IEEE 802. 1Q.ieee_virtual_eth:如果值为1,就通知IVM这个适配器支持IEEE802.1Q。

2.A number of amendments to the base 802. 11 standard have been approved by the IEEE and implemented by manufacturers since 1997.1997年以后,很多基于经典802.11的改进协议得到了IEEE的批准,并获得制造商的青睐。

3.IEEE 802. 16 standard is an emerging technology defined for broadband wireless metropoptan area networks.IEEE802.16标准是一个定义宽频无线都会网路的新兴存取技术。

4.As characteristic of wireless networks including IEEE 802. 11 networks, node mobipty leads to extensive short-duration communication.节点移动等特征使得IEEE802.11网络中存在大量的短时通信。

5.The air interface of IEEE 802. 16 standard contains specification for physical layer and MAC layer.IEEE802.16标准的空中接口部分主要对物理层和MAC层进行了定义。

6.Which Ethernet standard does the IEEE 802. 3 standard recommend for backbone installations?3标准为骨干装置建议以哪个乙太网路做标准?。

7.IEEE 802. 1X is a standard for port-based network access control that apppes to both Ethernet and Wireless LANs.1X是一种基于端口的网络访问控制的标准,适用于以太网和无线局域网。

8.IEEE 802. 11, the most popular standard, defines the protocols which covers all of Ethernet based wireless communication.IEEE802.11标准定义了能够统筹所有基于以太网的无线通信的协议。

9.The IEEE 802. 16 series standards which are studied hard by now could meet the requirement completely.IEEE802.16系列标准可以很好的满足这些需求并成为近年来研究的热点。

10.IEEE 802. 11 is used by many manufacturers as the wireless extension of the networks that feed computers.很多制造商都将IEEE802.11用作供给计算机的无线网络扩展。