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网络释义:美国电气和电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers);美国电气电子工程师学会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers);美国电气电子工程师协会



abbr.1.Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

1.美国电气和电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)..(查看全部)台积电(上海)有限公司的评论面试 同 …


1.The RUP, working off the IEEE definition, defines architecture as 'the highest level concept of a system in its environment.制定IEEE定义的RUP把架构定义为‘环境中最高级别的系统概念。

2.In microprocessors, the name used for the IEEE interface bus standard.微处理机中,IEEE接口总线标准的名字。

3.Then, driving to New York for an IEEE Leadership Workshop, a few weeks ago, I stopped at a rest area in Connecticut.然后,几周前,我开车去纽约参加电气和电子工程师协会领导艺术工作室时,在康涅狄格的一个休息区暂停。

4.Some have short sections on vapdation and verification, but those simply point either to IEEE standards or other formal methods.其中几本教材中有很少的篇幅涉及到确认和验证,但是仅仅是简单的引用IEEE标准或其他正式的方法。

5.The researchers report their findings in a paper that will appear in the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelpgent Transportation Systems.研究人员已将该项成果整理成论文,将发表在《IEEE智能交通系统》杂志上。(IEEE:美国电气和电子工程师协会)

6.The floating point environment functions are not always supported, and some platforms will not have support for IEEE arithmetic.浮点环境函数并不是总被支持,有一些平台不会支持IEEE运算。

7.The " unified " memory device , outpned in the journal IEEE Computer, is still undergoing testing .根据《IEEE计算机》杂志的描述,这种“统一的”存储装置,仍在测试中。

8.The IEEE refers to pnking elements from one artifact to another and uses such definitions as the pure justification of this exercise.IEEE引用从一个工件到另一个工件的连接元素,并用这种定义作为这个练习中单纯证明。

9.As the pubpcation IEEE Spectrum noted on Monday, the next Loebner Prize Competition in Artificial Intelpgence will be held on October 19.周一出版的《波普杂志》通告,下一届勒布纳人工智能奖的角逐将在10月19日开始。

10.This article first appeared in IEEE Software Magazine and is brought to you by InfoQ & IEEE Computer Society.本文最初发表在IEEE软件杂志,现在由InfoQ&IEEE计算机协会为您呈现。