



美式发音: [hɑŋk] 英式发音: [hɒŋk]




复数:honks  现在分词:honking  过去式:honked  搭配同义词

v.+n.honk horn





v.1.to make a loud noise using a horn, especially the horn of a car2.if a goose or another bird honks, it makes a loud noise

1.发情叫声 7.嘶嘶叫 Hissing 8.发情叫声 Honking a.大声磨牙 Loud Grinding ...

2.按喇叭 手发信号 hand signal 按喇叭 tooting;honking 踩油门 step on accelerator ...

3.鸣喇叭 ... youngster 年青人,少年 honking 鸣喇叭 meditation 沈思,冥想 ...

4.雁叫样咳嗽比如犬吠样咳嗽提示喉炎、金属音调咳嗽提示气管软化、雁叫样咳嗽(honking)提示心因性咳嗽(习惯性咳嗽)、突发性痉挛样咳 …

5.喇叭声 whizzing whizzing 旋离, 离心分离 honking n. 雁叫声 lemans n. <古>爱人,情夫,情妇 ...

7.声势惊人的 thud: 掉地上的重击声 honking: 声势惊人的 geezer: 老头 ...

8.发出响号 ... Go for it: 去做吧! honking: 发出响号 work out: 实行 ...


1.Notice the sun on your face, the wind blowing through your hair, the sound of the kids playing nearby or horns honking.感受射到脸颊上的阳光,吹拂着你的头发的风儿,不远处孩子们玩耍的喧闹声或是汽车喇叭声。

2.Nobody sits back in their chair at the office and dreams of cluttered streets, honking horns and gridlocked traffic.没有人会背靠办公室的椅子而梦想杂乱的街道、喧嚣的汽车喇叭声、拥挤不堪的交通。

3.For drivers in a real hurry, the department suggests honking in an emphatic, repetitive manner. . .对于那些十分紧急的司机们,该交通部门建议他们要反复地,用力地按喇叭……

4.As he skillfully maneuvers through the crowd, motorists slow down, some honking their horns in greeting.当他熟练地驾着轮椅穿过人群时,开汽车的放慢了车速,有的按喇叭致意。

5.Cars and trucks and taxis came and went honking horns the taste of fuel and smog thick in the air.汽车、卡车、出租车来来去去,喇叭声不断,粘粘的空气中充斥着汽油和尾气的味道。

6.That prompted fireworks, dancing in the streets and a symphony of car-honking and gunshots fired in the air.大街上民众燃放烟火,欢乐起舞。空气中混杂着汽笛声和枪声。

7.And I am proud of it. " Delhi's honking, smoking, pttering residents perhaps need this gentle reminder. "那些随意鸣笛,在公共场所吸烟,乱扔垃圾的德里居民也许需要这句温和的提醒。

8.The honking horn and flashing pghts are meant to attract the attention of, hopefully the popce that will come and take the burglar away.鸣笛和闪灯,满怀希望地想吸引警察的注意,警察来了就可以带走这个偷车贼。

9.The air was filled with honking and chirping as Noah moved the canoe through the water. The birds ignored them for the most part.在诺亚移动独木舟通过水面时空气中充满了嘎嘎声和啁啾声,禽鸟们大部分不理他们。

10.remember, no honking this time. The horn is only for emergencies!记住,这时候不要按喇叭。喇叭只是遇到紧急情况的时候才能用。