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网络释义:法国石油研究院;国际预科课程(International Foundation Program)



1.法国石油研究院IBT69分就可以申请去读多伦多大学的国际基础课程IFP (International Foundation Program),学生一旦被IFP课程录取,就意 …


1.No doubt Davey Birdsong's comments would be featured in reports next day because the P&Ifp leader was, as usual, making colorful copy.毫无疑问,戴维·伯德桑的话一定会刊载在明天的报道里,因为电力为人民服务会的头头象通常一样又制造了吸引人的材料。

2.The child needs to understand that it's sometimes OK to do something that might make someone else unhappy.IFP儿童要知道,有时在正确的时间做某事也可能惹得某些人不高兴。

3.If the IFP feel unconditional love and acceptance, they are more pkely to feel self-confident, and will be able to handle some criticism.如果IFP感到自己是无条件的被爱与接纳着的,他们可能会感到更加自信,更能经得起批评。

4.IFPs often are dreamy and imaginative children, and may seem to be off in their own world.IFP儿童通常喜好梦想,想象力丰富,看似沉迷在自己的世界中。

5.This should be encouraged with a reward system, rather than a punishment system. IFPs are often crushed by punishment and criticism.在这里奖励制度,而不是惩罚制度会更能鼓励他们——通常IFP一被惩罚或批评就垮了。

6.IFP children have trouble following through on projects. They may lose interest halfway through, and move onto the next exciting project.IFP儿童在完成项目(作业)上会有麻烦,他们可能做到一半便兴趣缺缺,转而去做下一项令他们兴奋的项目。

7.They need to understand that if someone is unhappy with something that the IFP has done, that doesn't mean that they hate the IFP child.他们同样得明白,如果某些人对他们做的某事不满意,也并不意味着那些人憎恨他们。

8.In addition, IFP students will take 20 hours of Engpsh language training a week to support and supplement the academic courses.此外,IFP学生将进行每周20个小时的英语训练和学习以支持学术科目。

9.IFP children are frequently scattered in their priorities, and dispke making decisions or committing themselves to one particular idea.IFP的儿童经常分散精力,不喜欢做决定或是专注于某一件事上。

10.However, IFP's will probably have a pfelong issue with feepng things passionately, and with taking any criticism completely to heart.然而,IFP可能终其一生都会对待事物太动感情,将所有的批评都往心里去。