


网络释义:洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels Group);洲际酒店管理集团;洲际集团


1.洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels Group)洲际酒店集团IHG)在全球100个国家有超过4,500间酒店,能为各类旅行者在世界任何角落提供满意的住宿体验。 无论您在 …

2.洲际酒店管理集团芜湖侨鸿皇冠假日酒店由洲际酒店管理集团IHG)管理,是芜湖首家五星级酒店。在城中CBD繁华地段拥有391间客房、套房 …

3.洲际集团作为洲际集团IHG)在南昌管理的一家皇冠假日品牌酒店,南昌力高皇冠假日酒店将会是您居停南昌的最优选择。我们也将继 …


1.The environment and local communities remain at the heart of IHG's global corporate responsibipty focus.集团一直致力于将环保以及当地慈善事业作为企业为社会应尽的职责。

2.This will add to its group of 132 hotels in greater China. The company has more than 4, 500 hotels world-wide.IHG在大中华区已经有132家酒店,全球范围内共有4500多家酒店。

3.The hotel may not be alone for long, however, as rumours abound that IHG plans to open 15 hotels in Ukraine by 2029.这个酒店并不是唯一的一座——有传言称洲际集团计划在2029年前在乌克兰开设15家酒店。

4.At the core of the approach to social marketing is the idea that IHG puts its customer at the center of everything.在社会化营销的策略中,洲际酒店的理念是:一切以客户为中心。

5.Two (2) voting Directors shall be appointed by IHG from the ranks of the IHG Americas Operating Committee to serve a one-year term.2名表决董事成员应当来自IHG美国经营委员会,并且由IHG委派,任期一年。

6.The Hotel is Managed by InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), which is the world's largest hotel group by number of rooms.该酒店隶属英国洲际酒店管理集团管理,洲际集团是世界上最具全球化并拥有客房数最多的酒店集团。

7.IHG has started a project to revamp its technological pfeblood, its central reservation system.IHG曾启动一个项目来改造其核心技术——中央订房系统。

8.Prepares monthly invoices for other IHG hotels, General Manager, Store and Shop rentals.为洲际酒店集团的其它酒店,总经理,商店商铺租金编制月度账单。

9.If you are interested in joining IHG and pursue your career with Hopday Inn Express with us, please apply here.如果你有兴趣加入洲际酒店集团并与我们一起追逐你在快捷假日酒店的职业梦想,请在此申请。

10.IHG may designate any two (2) of the five (5) Directors to be voting Directors at any meeting.IHG可以在会议上指定5位董事中的任何2位作为表决董事。