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n.1.two, or a numeral representing two

na.1.[Economics]International Investment2.[Electronics]Image Intensifier3.Index Information

1.二 九 IX II 三 III ...

2.第 K5II 3页:宾得 ...

3.一 (CASA) 一、采集与送检 (II、采集与送检 (HOS) 染色法、低渗膨胀试验 ...

4.次 饮用天然矿泉水 Drinking natural mineral water 目 ... II 封面 ICS 67.160.20 ...

5.四 II 五 II ...

6.国际时段度假公司(Interval International) They are the teachers of this school. 指全体教师) II 定冠词的基本用法: the atmosphere 大气 …

8.街头霸王 进化系 LOVERS 街头霸王 II 假面骑士 Spirits ...


1.As with its predecessor, Ground Control II seems to make the greatest impact with its superb graphics engine.关于它的前任,地面管制2似乎用它的超级图形引擎来制造最好的冲击。

2.after Pearl Harbor led to American involvement in World War II and a shortage of building materials it would not be any time soon.珍珠港事件后,导致美国在二战中的参与和建材短缺,它不会被任何时间很快。

3.The post-World War II period is also given just a quick once-over; instead the series ends with a discussion of the American character.后二战时期也采取很快带过,取代它的内容的是片尾处关于美国人性格的讨论。

4.Ramesses II is was the third king of the 19th dynasty Egypt, and is often regarded as the most celebrated of ancient Egypt's pharaohs.拉美西斯二世是埃及第19王朝的第三位君主,他常常被认为是古埃及最了不起的法老。

5.In World War II th e general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole.第二次世界大战时,那将将军骄傲地强调自己挖散兵坑。

6.It produces results within 3 hours, and its accuracy is similar to that of the Hybrid Capture II test used in the current study.3个小时的检测结果,其准确度与目前研究的杂交捕获II检测相当。

7.When I first picked up the book (Iris Chang's The Rape Of Nanking ) it had the words The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II on the cover.第一次看到张小姐的书《强暴南京》,封面上写着‘二战里被遗忘的大屠杀’,我马上对它感兴趣,就开始搞这个电影。

8.Sometimes, when Wendell was busy, he would try the insight out on me instead, or discuss a fine point of the Apple II firmware.有时候,温德尔忙得不可开交,他就会转向问我这方面的东西,他也和我讨论苹果II方面的固件细节。

9.Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country's post World War II history.唐纳德·塔斯克总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰遭遇的最大悲剧。

10."What they also did is showed me a picture of Murmansk at the end of World War II, and it was an aerial photograph, " he says.“他们给我看第二次世界大战结束时摩尔曼斯克的照片,这是一张空中拍摄的照片,”他说。