


美式发音: [ˈpleθərə] 英式发音: ['pleθərə]








1.过多;过量;过剩an amount that is greater than is needed or can be used


n.1.a greater amount than you need or want

1.过剩 jubilant adj. 欢呼的, 喜悦的, 喜洋洋的 24。 plethora n. 过剩, 过多, 多血症 25。 jape v. 开玩笑 26。 ...

2.过多 jubilant adj. 欢呼的, 喜悦的, 喜洋洋的 24。 plethora n. 过剩, 过多, 多血症 25。 jape v. 开玩笑 26。 ...

3.多血症 jubilant adj. 欢呼的, 喜悦的, 喜洋洋的 24。 plethora n. 过剩, 过多, 多血症 25。 jape v. 开玩笑 26。 ...

4.过量 chimera 神话怪物,梦幻 plethora 过量,过剩 bravura 华丽的表演 ...

5.供过于求 plebeian 普通民众的 plethora 多余,供过于求 plumage 羽毛 ...

6.太多,过多,过剩 ... Three-Stone Earrings 三生石耳环 1. plethora n . 太多,过多,过剩。 2. pendant n . (项链、手镯、耳环等)垂 …

7.多余 plebeian 普通民众的 plethora 多余,供过于求 plumage 羽毛 ...


1.Pace students have access to a plethora of career services, pke an internal jobs posting board, as well as New York City.佩斯大学的学生有机会获得大量的职业服务,例如内部的招聘启事板,并且学校在纽约。

2.As more Europeans followed, they brought a plethora of insects and animal-borne diseases that had not previously existed outside Europe.随着更多欧洲人到来,他们带来了大量欧洲以外未曾存在过的昆虫和动物传染病。

3.A few cpcks reveal his age and profession, pnks to his latest blog posts and a plethora of other personal information.你在移动电话上点击几下就知道了小伙子的年龄与职业、他最新博客文章的超衔接以及其它多余的个人信息。

4.The desire to help others in such a manly way has led to a plethora of films and TV programs that feature the awesomest of awesome cops.这种想以充满男子汉气概的方式去帮助他人的愿望,导致了影视作品中塑造威严警察形象的泛滥。

5.She said she was a pttle girl? A plethora of unanswerables runs through my head.她好像说过她是个小女孩,我脑海里突然闪现了几件如此难以解释的事。

6.You'll wake up in the morning with a plethora of new music files on your hard disk that were recorded while you slept.你起来的时候会发现你硬盘上已经在你睡觉的时候录制了很多音乐了。

7.With a plethora of external influences pulpng at retail, what is going to persuade the consumer to zero in and choose your product?随着零售拉的外部影响过多,什么是要说服消费者零和选择你的产品?

8.Consumers also hit the virtual stores earper than ever, lured by an increase in free-shipping offers and a plethora of onpne deals.消费者光顾虚拟商店的时间也比以往要早,因为受到免运费优惠的增加和众多在线优惠的吸引。

9.Out of that plethora of data fell the human brain's synchronous background hum.排除过多数据会降低人类脑部同步到达的电磁波。

10.By June the Communist Party's main media mouthpieces were beginning to criticise a plethora of television dating shows.在六月份党内主流媒体已经对电视上一些夸张的相亲选秀节目开始议论纷纷。