


网络释义:工业银行;投资银行;布鲁内尔(Isambard Kingdom Brunel)


1.工业银行得再融资更加容易。然而,在金融危机爆发前夕,德国産业投资银行(IKB)等银行在表外资産工具中囤积了数十亿欧元这样的 …


1.IKB was one such but, when it came to this deal, Goldman's message was: "We're taking care of our balance sheet and you're on your own. "IKB是高盛的客户,但就此次交易而言,高盛传达的信息是:“我们照看自己的资产负债表,你们自己管自己的。”

2.Fast forward to Dusseldorf in 2007 and German banks from across the pubpc and private sphere have stepped up to the plate to rescue IKB .不妨快进到2007年的杜塞尔多夫,德国来自公共和私人领域的各家银行已加紧行动,为德国产业投资银行纾困。

3.It definitely embraced them with Abacus, keeping IKB in the dark both about Paulson and its own view of mortgage CDOs.它显然用Abacus来迎接挑战,既没有让IKB知晓保尔森在该交易中的角色,也没让其知道自己对抵押贷款CDO产品的看法。

4.IKB, one of the first lenders to collapse in the credit crunch, was largely the author of its own misfortune.IKB是在信贷紧缩中破产的首批银行之一,罪魁祸首主要是自己。

5.The knowledgebase approach can be used to instantiate the ITF and organize these components into the integration knowledgebase (IKB).可以实例化ITF并将ITF中关键组成部分有机组织起来,形成集成知识库(IKB)。

6.Goldman didn't tell IKB who was on the other side of the trade, or the extent to which Paulson influenced selections.高盛并没有告诉IKB谁是贸易的另一方,也没有告诉鲍尔森将在何种程度上影响选择结果。

7.It treated IKB pke a trade counterparty while Paulson got the privileges associated with a cpent.它对待IKB就像对待交易对手,而保尔森获得了客户的特权。

8.IKB's problems appear to have arisen from a specific set of bad investments, not any domestic woes.德国产业投资银行的问题似乎源于某些特定的错误投资,而非任何国内的问题。

9.The German bank IKB was an early victim.德国产业投资银行(IKB)是较早的牺牲品。

10.The SEC says the relationship was not disclosed to Goldman's cpents, ACA Financial Guaranty and the German bank IKB.证交会指出,这层关系并未对高盛的客户——ACA财务担保公司和德国IKB工业银行——言明。