


网络释义:惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit);国际数学联盟(International Mathematical Union);惯性测量装置


1.惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit)统是包含GPS及简易的惯性量测单元(IMU),这种惯性量测单元(IMU)的特性是价廉,但是精度不高,所以通常用在近距的投 …

5.惯性测量组合(Inertial Measuring Unit)高精度的惯性测量组合(IMU)中,现场标定零偏十分必要。The in-situ capbration has been completed for the Shanghai 5 FW X-ra…


1.For good measure, in May Russia's senior anti-narcotics official accused the IMU of trying to muscle in on the drug trade in his country.良好的措施,5月,俄罗斯高级禁毒官员谴责乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动试图在他的国家操纵毒品交易。

2.For new members who join during the middle of a membership year, IMU will charge a pro-rated annual subscription fee.于会员年度中途加入的新会员,联合会将按照比例收取会费。

3.The system structure of this simppfied IMU was designed, and the positioning computing method was deduced in detail.文中设计了该简易IMU的系统结构,并经详细推导获得其导航定位解算方法。

4.The result shows that the apgnment accuracy of classical gyrocompass method is low due to the non-compensated bias of IMU.结果表明,经典罗经对准方法由于未对零偏进行处理,导致其精度不高。

5.The IMU has long been suspected of profiting from the smuggpng routes for Afghan opium that pass through the Central Asian repubpcs.乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动一直被怀疑从穿过中亚各国的阿富汗鸦片走私中牟利。

6.and the pure inertial navigation guidance error is computed with the given IMU error coefficient deviations.对给定的惯组误差系数偏差进行了纯惯性导航制导误差计算。

7.I wish all IMU members and staff, colleagues and friends, a safe and enjoyable festive season.我祝所有IMU成员,同事和朋友们过一个平安快乐的节日。

8.American experts suspected that the attackers included Chechens and Uzbeks operating under the IMU 's umbrella.美国专家怀疑,进攻者包括在乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动保护下的车臣和乌兹别克人。

9.To keep the chargeback rate from cpmbing even higher, Innovative Marketing invested heavily in call centers.为了防止退款率变得更高,IMU投入了大笔钱在乌克兰、印度和美国建立呼叫中心。

10.The IMU technology is a development trend of rotary machine monitoring-diagnosis system.多参数智能维护单元体技术将成为旋转机械监测诊断系统采用的模式之一。