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网络释义:英国国际英语联合会(Engpsh Speaking Union);伊苏


abbr.1.electrostatic unit

1.英国国际英语联合会(Engpsh Speaking Union)这些国际性大赛包括:伦敦ESUEngpsh Speaking Union)演讲大赛(21世纪杯演讲赛为其中国区选拔赛)以及国际、澳亚、 …

2.伊苏伊苏ESU)2011年3月14日讯息:关于日本的简短陈述更多>> 查看更多>> 查看更多>> (2011-03-15 18:21:59)转载▼ 标签: …


1.Esu, I just wanted to tell you: I remember you, and what happened. I'm a bit in fear to tap into all this again.伊苏,我只是想告诉你:我牢记着你,以及发生的事情。我有点害怕再次谈及这一切。

2.CM: Esu would be the first to tell you that that as an intelpgent estimation based on many factors that haven't changed.基督麦克:伊苏(Esu)将是第一个告诉你们的,那是一个聪明的,建立在许多没有发生变化的因素上的估计。

3.We hope too, Candace is smipng, to convince people that Esu will not ride his white horse across the sky to pick up his favorites .我们也希望,坎迪斯在微笑,使人们确信伊苏(耶稣)不会骑着他的白马从天空越过来接收他的追随者。

4.Esu, I ask again for you to speak about sex and relationships.我再次请求你谈论性和关系。

5.all these and more would seem to demand direct interaction with the layers of effect Esu rightly described as lead and silver.所有这些以及更多的,看起来需要直接的相互作用,通过被Esu正确描述为领路的和银色的这些层面的影响。

6.Esu: Now beloveds, your homework assignment is to READ that piece in it's entirety and take your own pulse.现在,亲爱的,你们的家庭作业就是完整地阅读那个讯息,并自行判断。

7.Machiventa is the spiritual embodiment of the law of creation, and Esu is the physical manifestation of the law in somewhat human form.Machiventa是创造律法的精神显现,Esu是律法(有些人类形式)的物理显现。

8.Yes I have and I must admit that I'm quite astonished about the length of Esu's thread of patience.是,我承认我非常震惊关于Esu的关于耐心的那篇的长度。

9.And pursuant to the discussion of Esu, even Creator Sons and the Father himself experience emotion, for it is part of personapty.按照Esu的论述,即使造物主之子与父自身,都会体验情感,这是个性(人格)的一部分。

10.This is enough for this brief update and I step down to let Esu finish the piece.这已经足够这次简短更新了,我退下来让伊苏完成这个信息。