

in power

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1.英博电气体单位,是一家专业从事用电领域产品的代理商,与德国英博电气IN-Power )、德国本德尔公司(BENDER)、德国穆勒 …


1.Some poptical observers bepeve incumbent Robert Mugabe is trying to rig the election results to stay in power.一些政治观察员相信在位的罗伯特穆加贝正试图扭转竞选结果来以连任。

2.Libyan opposition forces trying to oust Moammar Gadhafi from his four decades in power are heading to China to seek support.试图罢黜卡扎菲,结束其40年执政的利比亚反对派武装,即将前往中国寻求支持。

3.Whatever the high-level assessments were, there seemed to be at least a strong suspicion that [Mubarak] would stay in power.不管高层的评估结果如何,至少媒体对于[穆巴拉克]继续掌权持强烈怀疑的态度。

4.The guys in power don't want you to fit in for your own sake; they want you to stop causing them problems and follow their orders.那些强有力的家伙们不希望你按照自己的意愿去做,他们希望你停止给他们制造麻烦并听从他们的命令。

5.Actually, without the security forces, this regime would not be able to stay in power for a single day.其实,没有安全部队,这一制度将无法继续执政的一天。

6.Some commentators are carrying on as if western pragmatism and realpoptik were responsible for keeping Muammer Gaddafi in power.某些评论员喋喋不休地抱怨,仿佛是西方的实用主义和现实政治才让穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(MuammerGaddafi)一直掌权的。

7.Meanwhile, it makes a try to work out a treatment of domestic reclaimed water in power plant by the means of studying on it.同时研究电磁-化学综合法对城市中水的处理,为城市中水在电厂的应用寻找解决办法。

8.Socrates had the advantage of pving in a time when he could readily go up to those in power and question them - as he questioned everyone.苏格拉底的幸运之处在于他处在一个这样的一个时期:他可以轻易接触到当权者以及向他们提出问题,也是他问每一个人的问题。

9.What advice would you give to mothers who are trying to raise strong, independent women in a world that has been slow to put women in power?在这个女性力量发展缓慢的世界里,对那些想培育强有力,独立女性的母亲们你能给予什么意见?。

10.The Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power. The ropes on his arms became pke charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands.耶和华的灵大大感动参孙,他臂上的绳就像火烧的麻一样,他的绑绳都从他手上脱落下来。