





4.网络 《如何介绍我自己》 how to itroduce myself 网络 intemet 我的家庭 my family ...

5.互联网络手叫好的一件事,最终就是实现共产主义”——“我是把因特乃特(Intemet)和因特纳雄乃尔International连在一起思考的。” …

7.国际因特网随着以计算机网络为核心的信息技术的迅猛发展、国际因特网(Intemet)的普及应用,电子商务已成为网络技术应用新的发展。 …


1.We acknowledged and discussed my diverse background when I assisted you through the Intemet; I enclose my resume for your consideration.在我通过因特网为你提供帮助的时候,我们谈论并认可了我的丰富经历;这里附上简历请您考虑。

2.As he was busy searching the Intemet, he became interested in how different countries were.他在繁忙上网时,开始对国家间的巨大差异感兴趣。

3.In such an environment full of advertising information, brand shaping is the key to effective dissemination of Intemet advertising.在这个广告信息泛滥的环境中,品牌塑造成为互联网广告有效传播的关键。

4.With the Intemet technology development, the Internet market show a rapid expansion trend by the Internet as media.随着互联网技术的快速发展,以互联网作为媒介的网络购物市场呈现快速扩张之势。

5.Through the Intemet, computers help us pve a more convenient pfe.通过互联网,电脑使我们过上了更便捷的生活。

6.The legal position of electronic commerce provider Provider is becoming the focus problem of Intemet transaction.随着电子商务的迅猛发展,网络交易平台提供商的法律定位问题日益为人们所关注。

7.Research on DTS Intemet Techniques and Combined Dispatcher Training Simulator System[ A ]. Conference on 28th Large Power Network.DTS联网技术与调度员联合培训仿真系统研究[A].28届大电网会议论文。

8.Nowadays Intemet is very popular all over the world, especially in some big cities.此刻因特网在世界规模内很是风行,特,别是一些年夜城市更是如斯。

9.Now we both had a computer and could get on the Intemet.现在好了,我们都买了电脑并且可以上因特网。

10.I telephoned my teachers for help or asked for help through Intemet when I had some difficulties in study.当我在学习中遇到困难时,我给老师打电话或上网求助。