




1.状态信号AD OUT)、静音信号(MUTE),接收入盘开关状态信号IN SW)、出盘开关状 态信号(OUT SW)、激光头内限位开关 …


1.Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1].来自先前世界的植物形式犹如种子那样正开始蓬勃生发[在SW-II里描述的那样,作用和即将来临的事情#1]。

2.It has a disjunct distribution, occurring in SW mainland China and Taiwan.它有间断的分布,分布于中国大陆西南部和台湾。

3.The sonobuoy data were used to analyze the velocity structure of the crust in SW Subbasin.利用声纳浮标资料,得到了南海西南次海盆地壳的速度结构。

4.Knowledge in SW-process (CMM, Automotive Spice) and SW configuration management tools.具有软件程序(CMM,汽车)和软件结构管理工具的知识。

5.Market Promotion and Sales of Material Testing Instrument in SW Region.材料测试仪器在西南地区的市场推广与销售;

6.About 10 species: SE Asia, Indochina, India, Nepal; one species in SW China.大约10种:亚洲东南部,印度支那,印度,尼泊尔;中国西南部有1种。

7.Drought in SW China breaks after 6 falls of rain.6场大雨结束了中国西南部的持续干旱。

8.Thickets, dry valleys; 300-400 m in Guizhou and Taiwan, 1300-2300 m in SW China. Guizhou, SW Sichuan, Taiwan, SE Xizang, NW Yunnan.灌丛,干燥山谷;300-400米在贵州和台湾的,在中国西南部里的1300-2300米。贵州,四川西南部,台湾,西藏东南部,云南西北部。

9.About 55 genera and 490 species: widely distributed in the S hemisphere, best developed in SW Africa and SW Austrapa: one species in China.大约55属和490种:广泛分布于南半球,在非洲西南部和澳大利亚西南部种类比较丰富:中国有一种。

10.22 died in SW China coal mine gas leak.云南一煤矿瓦斯泄漏,22人死亡。