

information technology

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1.信息技术(尤指对计算机等电子设备在存储、分析信息诸方面的研究和应用)the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers, for storing and analysing information


n.1.the study or use of computers and electronic systems for storing and using information. Information technology is often simply called IT




1.In the beginning, the workgroup tried to understand XML's role in this leading edge of information technology.一开始,工作组就试图了解在前沿信息技术中XML的角色。

2.IN INFORMATION technology there seems to be a revolution every other week.每隔一周,信息技术似乎有一场革命。

3.The elusive Irhabi007 turned out to be the 22-year-old son of a Moroccan tourism board official and a student of information technology.神秘莫测的irhabi007原来是一个摩洛哥旅游局官员的22岁的儿子,同时还是一学习it的学生。

4.In a country full of energy, desire, talent and ideas, there is no doubt that China will become a world leader in information technology.中国是一个有充满能源,欲念,天才和主意的国家,所以毫无疑问它将在信息技术上改为领军的国家。

5.It was never located at the heart of the information technology industry, among competitors who might force it to keep innovating.它也从来没有想要把总部建设在信息产业的中心,然而正是竞争才能维持创新。

6.THEY were the Macbeths of information technology (IT): a wicked couple who seized power and abused it in bloody and avaricious ways.他们是信息产业中(IT)的麦克白夫妇:一对争夺权力的邪恶夫妇,滥用血腥而贪婪的竞争手段。

7.But we more than make up for that. We actually ship more than twice as much of every form of information technology.但我们不只能够弥补这一点,事实上,我们上市了超过两倍的各种资讯科技形式。

8.Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technology and its impact on everyday pfe.在过去的几十年间,信息技术有了巨大的发展,并且影响着我们每天的生活。

9.We actually ship more than twice as much of every form of information technology.事实上,我们的生产力比同等的科技要高两倍。

10.No other information technology (IT) company could boast such a collection and also claim to have built each of the items on display.没有任何一家信息技术(IT)公司可以拥有这样的收藏并声称制造了其中任何一件展览中的物品。