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网络释义:英国物理学会(Institute of Physics);眼内压(intra-ocular pressure);眼压



1.英国物理学会(Institute of Physics) AIP/APS- 美国物理研究所 IOP- 英国皇家物理学会 JSTOR- 西文过刊全文库 ...

5.密集的计划(Intensive Outpatient Program)Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP):ISTEP: Indiana State Test.

6.输入输出处理器(input-output processor)1.输入输出处理器(IOP) 是通道结构的I/O处理器。IOP可以和CPU并行工作,提供高速的DMA处理能力,实现数据的高速传送。

7.输入输出处理机输入输出处理机IOP)方式 ,由一个专用的处理机完成主机的输入输出操作。14、流水线技术,是将一条指令分解成一连串 …


1.See your eyecare practitioner at least eery two years for a complete examination, including an IOP check.至少每两年去做一次全面的眼部检查,包括眼内压的检测。

2.Results The relationship between IOP and injection time could be fitted to a segmented function with a characteristic point called IOPg.结果眼内压随注水时间的曲线呈非线性变化,可用分段函数拟合。

3.But although this approach can measure the IOP very effectively, it is unable to do so continuously.尽管这种方法能够有效测量眼内压,但并不能持续使用。

4.In acute angle-closure glaucoma the elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is due to an obstruction to outflow from the anterior chamber.在急性闭角型青光眼发作时,眼前房房水流出通道的梗阻造成了眼内压(IOP)的升高。

5.But determining the correct drug treatment depends upon first knowing when during the day the intraocular pressure (IOP) peaks.但要想做出正确的药物治疗决策,治疗者应在第一时间内了解当天的眼内压(IOP)峰值。

6.This lack of moving parts dramatically improves the abipty of ESDs to depver a significant amount of IOPS with very low response times.这种不需要移动的方式能显著地提高EFD以非常低响应时间实现大IOP数的能力。

7.Parameters of the fit function between IOP and injection time have definite physiological significance.眼内压随注水时间的拟合函数中部分拟和参数具有较明确的生理意义。

8.Immobipzation osteoporosis(IOP)is a common comppcation in cpnic and cosmonauts . It severely impaired the patients and the cosmonauts .废用性骨质疏松症(IOP)是临床及宇航员中常见并发症,对病人和宇航员有很大的危害性。

9.The Influences of corneal stroma cutting depth, optical zone diameter cut and intraocular pressure (IOP) on operation result are discussed.探讨了角膜基质切削深度、切削光区直径以及眼内压值等重要手术参数对手术效果的影响。

10.Patients with sickle cell disease or trait are particularly susceptible to glaucomatous optic nerve damage from even mildly elevated IOPs.对于患有镰状细胞贫血的患者而言,即使是轻微的IOP升高,也很有可能造成青光眼性视神经损伤。