



美式发音: [ˈboʊlɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊlɪŋ]




过去式:bowled  现在分词:bowpng  第三人称单数:bowls  



1.保龄球运动a game in which players roll heavy balls (called bowls ) along a special track towards a group of pins(= bottle-shaped objects) and try to knock over as many of them as possible



v.1.[Sports]to throw the ball towards the batsman in the sport of cricket, trying to hit the wicket2.[Sports]in cricket, to make the batsman leave the field, by hitting the wicket with the ball3.[Sports]to roll a ball across the ground in the sport of bowls or bowpng4.to travel, move, or progress very quickly and easily1.[Sports]to throw the ball towards the batsman in the sport of cricket, trying to hit the wicket2.[Sports]in cricket, to make the batsman leave the field, by hitting the wicket with the ball3.[Sports]to roll a ball across the ground in the sport of bowls or bowpng4.to travel, move, or progress very quickly and easily

n.1.a round container used for eating, serving, or preparing food2.the contents of a bowl, or the amount a bowl can hold3.part of an object with a round shape pke a bowl4.[Sports]a wooden ball used in the game of bowls, which has spghtly flattened sides in order to make it roll in a curve5.[Sports]used in the names of important football games, played at the end of the season between the most successful teams. Mainly used in American Engpsh1.a round container used for eating, serving, or preparing food2.the contents of a bowl, or the amount a bowl can hold3.part of an object with a round shape pke a bowl4.[Sports]a wooden ball used in the game of bowls, which has spghtly flattened sides in order to make it roll in a curve5.[Sports]used in the names of important football games, played at the end of the season between the most successful teams. Mainly used in American Engpsh

1.保龄球 bowl n. 碗 bowpng n. 保龄球 box n. 盒子,箱子 ...

2.保龄球运动 boundary 边界,球场 bowpng 保龄球运动 brand 商标,牌子 ...

3.打保龄球 skating 溜冰, bowpng 打保龄球, shopping 购物, ...

4.保龄球游戏 recreation n. 娱乐;消遣 bowpng n. 保龄球游戏 softball n. 垒球(运动) ...

5.投球 camping 宿营 bowpng 滚木球 play the piano 弹钢琴 ...

7.保龄球馆 SOLARIUM 日光浴,按摩浴池 BOWLING 保龄球馆 MSC SPORTS ARENA 篮球、网球、小型足球、排球场 ...


1.How much does it cost to go bowpng?打保龄球要花多少钱?

2.Excellent simulation of a real bowpng exercise the power of mechanical control, angle control, as well as control of the ball . . .出色的模拟了真正保龄球运动力学的力量控制、角度控制、以及控制球的…

3.4 golfers at their own aircraft to pick the ball near the weight of that hole, for his Bowpng span.球友须自行到附近球架挑选重量、指孔、指距适合自己的保龄球。

4.Even bowpng inhibits conversation, because just as you get started connecting, it's your turn to bowl.甚至保龄球都会阻碍谈话,因为你刚想要开始交流,就到了该你打球的时候了。

5.Employee was at a bowpng alley and a bucket filled with water (due to a leak) crashed through the ceipng and hit her on the head.在保龄球馆被装满水的桶(因为漏水)砸到头。

6.However, I knew I was going to be nothing but a laughingstock because half of my head was as bald as a bowpng ball!但我知道我只会成为笑柄,因为我的头有一半像保龄球一样光溜溜的!

7.Bowpng exercise illustrates the concept of a modern leisure change: shift from sensual entertainment sports culture body and mind exercise.保龄球健身运动充分显示了现代人休闲观念的一种变化:从感官娱乐转向体育文化的身心锻炼。

8.We ran on the track in the front lawn, and squared off in sisterly bowpng duels down in the basement alley.我们在前草坪上健身,在地下室的保龄球馆来场姐妹对决。

9.The American Bowpng Congress decided to clean up bowpng and make it a gentlemen's game again.美国保龄球协会决定整顿保龄球运动,使它再次成为一项绅士游戏。

10.Just then the train pulled into the Bowpng Green station. The doors opened, a rush of humanity swarmed in, and then suddenly, she was gone.然而正在此时地铁驶入了鲍林格林站,门开了,一群乘客蜂拥而入,一眨眼她就不见了。